Monash University Handbooks 2008

LAW7045 - Takeovers

6 points, SCA Band 3, 0.125 EFTSL

Postgraduate Faculty of Law

Leader: Mr Bruce Dyer / Mr Michael Hoyle


Not offered in 2008


* The desirability of takeovers and the need for regulation.


Students who successfully complete this unit should:

offer for a proposed target company and provide

advice as to (a) the principal means by which a

takeover may be effected (and the advantages and

limitations of each alternative), (b) how to prepare for

and conduct the takeover, and (c) the defensive

strategies and tactics available to the target company

to oppose the takeover

in Australia including the respective roles and principal

powers of the Australian Securities and Investments

Commission, the Australian Securities Exchange, the

Takeovers Panel and the Australian Competition and

Consumer Commission, and the extent to which the

decisions of these bodies are subject to appeal or


concerning the desirability and effects of takeovers

and the regulation of takeovers

construe and apply a complex statutory scheme, are



Research paper (3,750 words): 50%

Take home examination (3,750 words): 50%

Contact hours



LAW4171 Corporations Law or LAW7277 Advanced Corporations Law or equivalent

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