Monash University Handbooks 2008

IND3313 - Systems modelling and simulation I

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering

Leader: R D Kennedy


Clayton Second semester 2008 (Day)


Linear programming (LP) problem formulation, graphical solution. LP solution algorithms; simplex, big M and 2-phase methods. LP post optimality analysis. Problems of degeneracy. Solution via computer package. The assignment and transportation problems. Network analysis. Shortest path. Minimal spanning tree. Maximal flow; Decision theory. Decision tree. Bayes theorem and its application in decision models. Two-person zero sum game theory. Dynamic programming: problem formulation: Use of multistage decision processes. Taguchi approach to quality. Design of experiments and reporting of results.


Assignment: 30%
Examination (3 hours): 70%

Contact hours

36 lecture hours and 24 hours laboratory/practice classes per semester


Must have passed 72 credit points including IND2400 (or IND2311) and IND2401 (or IND1332 or IND2332)

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