Monash University Handbooks 2008

HSC2051 - Health Promotion 2

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader: Professor Helen Keleher


Peninsula First semester 2008 (Day)


In this unit students gain a level two understanding of program planning, implementation and evaluation, and the research skills involved in successful planning. Health promotion planning is framed as a strategic approach to population health advancement that requires understanding of a range of planning models. Modules of learning include needs assessment and community profiling, program logic to integrate evaluation, evidence approaches to strategy selection, implementation, and program management. Students should use critical thinking in relation to planning for equity, to address inequities and to articulate evaluation approaches suitable for health promotion programs.


By the completion of this unit, it is expected that the student will be able to:

  1. compare and contrast planning frameworks to identify their strengths and weaknesses;
  2. develop a needs assessment incorporating elements of community profiling as the basis of an evidence-based project plan;
  3. identify data sources for needs assessment and community profiles;
  4. demonstrate skills in project logic for the development of health promotion plans including evaluation planning skills and understanding of different approaches to evaluation;
  5. identify outcomes and outcome levels relevant to health promotion programs;
  6. recognise ethical issues and key concepts involved with health promotion program planning; and
  7. conduct a literature search and demonstrate ability to read and critically analyse the literature.


Research report: 50%
Tutorial presentation: 10%
Integrated program plan: 40%

Contact hours

1 hour lecture, 2 hours of tutorials and self-directed learning plus per week plus one 3-hour site visit per semester.



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