Caulfield First semester 2008 (Day)
Clayton First semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway First semester 2008 (Day)
South Africa First semester 2008 (Day)
This unit requires students to examine the place of the individual in the global world, using their own experiences, contemporary case studies, a variety of media and sources, and through the application of critical theory. It compels students to engage with the often confronting and challenging prospect of 'difference' and aims to engage students with their responses to and understanding of the 'individual', the 'other'. In preparation for their time overseas the unit ensures the student connects with at least one other student at their host institution and have some of the skills necessary to construct a 'blog' in order to remain connected to their family and friends at home.
Upon successful completion of this unit students will have:
Class participation (750 words equiv): 20%; Blog entries and 1 email discussion/chat with student at host institution (1500 words total 400 per entry 300 word discussion): 25%; Research essay (2000 words): 30%; Reflective essay exam (1000 words): 25%
A minimum of 22 hours per semester consisting of 2 hour seminar or 1 hour lecture and 1 hour tutorial (may vary for different modules).
INT1010, INT1020 plus at least 36 points of first-year level units in line with course structure (i.e. must have completed all of first-year).