Monash University Handbooks 2008

FOR1002 - Injury interpretation

8 points, SCA Band 3, 0.1666667 EFTSL

Postgraduate Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Leader: Associate Professor D Wells


Clayton Full year 2008 (Off-campus)


The unit focuses on the issues surrounding the interpretation of injuries. Areas include the pathophysiology of injuries with particular reference to the anatomical, physiological and pathological principles; injury classification; documentation including forensic photography; injury patterns and circumstances of causation. Students will be expected to participate with clinical and post mortem cases.


On completion of this unit the student will be expected to:

  1. display an understanding of the pathophysiology of injuries;
  2. show familiarity with the factors limiting accurate injury interpretation;
  3. interpret the forces producing injuries;
  4. apply the principles of forensic photography;
  5. demonstrate a detailed understanding of the classification of injuries;
  6. be able to accurately document injuries;
  7. analyse and interpret mechanisms and circumstances by which the injuries were sustained.


Case studies (40%), Assignment (25%), Case Book (20%), Oral presentation (15%)

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