Caulfield Second semester 2008 (Day)
Caulfield Second semester 2008 (Off-campus)
This unit develops understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts and standards that guide the development of information organisation and retrieval systems and web-based information architectures. It deals with standards governing description, distribution and access to information locally and globallycataloguing, indexing, thesaurus construction, classification and metadata for knowledge discovery. It examines the effects of economic, social and technological factors on the development of bibliographic networks and cataloguing operations. Practical sessions deal with the use of major bibliographic tools, schemes and systems for information organisation.
At the completion of this unit students will:
Examination (3 hours): 50%
Practical Assignments: 50%
Lectures: 2hrs/week, tutorial/labs: 2hrs/week
IMS3617, IMS5017