Not offered in 2008
This subject covers the products, processes, techniques and tools for system validation & verifications including acceptance tests. Commercial Testing Tools from Rational, HP and other open-source tools will be used to apply in practice knowledge learnt about software testing from a theoritical perspective. Inspection and testing methodologies, analysis of artifacts, robustness, performance analysis configuration management, quality assurance plan and standards, compliance, assessment, certification issues are covered. It shows how to predict, analyse and control defects in complex software systems.
Assignment 1: 40%; Assignment 2: 20%; Assignment 3: 20%; Demonstration: 20%
One x2-hour lecture/week
CSE2201, CSE2304, CSE2305, CSE3308, BUS2176, CSE23391 or CSE3391, CSE2395 or CSE3395,
FIT2004, FIT2024, FIT3042, FIT3077, FIT3086
or enrolled in FIT Masters program at Monash