Monash University Handbooks 2008

FIT3026 - Information technology project 2

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Information Technology

Leader: S Teng


Sunway First semester 2008 (Day)


Students work in groups on a project development for a client who may be either internal or external to Monash. Projects involve all aspects of the system development lifecycle but will focus more heavily in system design and implementation. Project management is also stressed. Requirements are fulfilled by the team producing an identified set of deliverables, such as user documentation and operational software. The team must ensure that the project is delivered on time. Each member of the team must demonstrate a significant contribution to the team effort, and display a sense of responsibility for the project outcome. The school's industry experience scheme fulfils the unit requirements.


  1. understand all stages of the process of developing an information system;
  2. understand the roles and responsibilities of clients, system users and developers in a systems development project;
  3. understand how information systems are developed;
  4. the capacity to apply, in a practical setting, the theoretical work covered in their course.
  5. the ability to develop a significant computing application, from the analysis and design stages, through coding and implementation to evaluation.
  6. work with clients and communicate effectively with them;
  7. define a problem, and gather data, facts, opinions and information needed to analyse and solve it;
  8. outline and evaluate alternative solutions to a system development problem;
  9. perform a feasibility study that includes estimates of costs, time requirements, a schedule for the development, and the benefits expected from the system;
  10. identify hardware and software requirements for a system;
  11. document a system design using tools which include system flow charts and data flow diagrams;
  12. implement a system, including testing and debugging;
  13. evaluate a system, identifying any weakness or possible enhancements;
  14. the ability to operate effectively as a member of a development team.




FIT3025 in the immediately preceeding academic semester


GCO2819, GCO3819, GCO3700, GCO3800, GCO3900, GCO3800A, CPE3200, CPE3300, CSE3200, IMS3000, (Translation set:GCO3800A)

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