Monash University Handbooks 2008

ETW1000 - Business and economic statistics

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Business and Economics

Leader: Malaysia: Dr Soo Siew Choo


Sunway First semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway Second semester 2008 (Day)


An introduction to the main techniques of descriptive statistics - the collection, organisation, presentation and analysis of grouped and ungrouped data using measures of location and dispersion; the construction of index numbers, with application to share price indices and the CPI; analysis of relationships between variables using simple regression, with applications to forecasting; main ideas of probability theory as a foundation for statistical inference; concept of sampling as a way of capturing uncertainty about data; estimators and their properties; constructing and interpreting confidence intervals, testing a hypothesis.


The learning objectives of this unit are to:


Within semester assessment: 30%
Examination (2 hours): 70%

Contact hours

Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour tutorial per week


ETW1102, ETW1640, BUS1100, MTH1210

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