Monash University Handbooks 2008

ENG1081 - Physics for engineering

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering

Leader: Dr Andrew Smith


Clayton First semester 2008 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway First semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway Second semester 2008 (Day)


This unit relates key principles of physics to engineering and technology, and shows how physics, including quantum and nano-science, creates useful new technologies. Energy, momentum and angular momentum: planetary orbits, rocket propulsion, precession, fly wheels. Oscillations and waves: resonance, transmission of energy; Doppler effect and speed measurement, polarization and stress models, diffraction and nano-structures, thin film interference and antireflecting film. Quantum Physics: Uncertainty Principle, wave functions, atomic force microscope; lasers, stimulated emission. The practical component develops measurement, analysis, and communication skills.


On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

  1. identify the basic principles of physics in typical simple situations relevant to engineering, and correctly apply them

  1. apply energy and momentum methods to analyse motion of systems

  1. explain behaviours involving oscillations and waves and do appropriate analysis and calculations

  1. explain, and apply basic quantum principles to, situations which are relevant in engineering and technology contexts; do appropriate analysis and calculations

  1. demonstrate an ability to describe and explain advanced techniques used in relevant engineering or physics contexts

  1. make reliable measurements, estimate uncertainties, analyse, evaluate and interpret data in cases appropriate to engineering and related to the theory studied

  1. show an improved ability to work in teams and to communicate and discuss physics concepts, measurements and applications related to engineering and developments in technologies

  1. approach new problems and find solutions on the basis of general principles, and evaluate the appropriateness of their proposed models or solutions.


Test: 8%
Practical work: 22%
Exam (3 hours): 60%

Contact hours

3 hours lectures, 3 hours practical work and 6 hours private study per week.


Year 12 Physics or ENG1080 or ENG1801


ENG1802, PHS1011

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