Peninsula Second semester 2008 (Day)
This unit will examine the social, political and economic contexts in which families exist using current theoretical perspectives. The understanding of family diversity will be emphasised as well as ways to include diverse families' perspectives in planning. Students will broaden their perspective of professional involvement with families through research into a community service which supports families. Five observation days will be undertaken in order to complete this research.
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of research relating to family formation and functions; demonstrate knowledge of relevant theoretical approaches and their relevance to understanding children and their families; demonstrate an ability to critically relate that research to the role of early childhood teachers; demonstrate knowledge about specific political and societal factors and the impact of these on families; demonstrate knowledge of relevant family legislation and its implications for early childhood teachers; ability to survey, analyse and evaluate current services for families with children.
Task 1: Written Report (2400 words): 60%; and Research Project (1600 words): 40%
2 hours per week