Monash University Handbooks 2008

ECE4033 - Industrialisation processes

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering


Sunway Second semester 2008 (Day)


Production and assembly analysis, process and equipment qualification. Quality systems, quality control and quality assurance in the industry. Occupational health and safety, Statistical process control, optimization techniques and operation management. Production test flow analysis and requirements to test equipment. Modular and virtual instrumentation for data acquisition, control and testing in manufacturing environment. Measurement and testing techniques, accuracy, calibration and statistical analysis of results.


Upon successful completion of the unit, the students are expected:

  1. To get an appreciation of the modern industrial processes development and manufacturing line settings.
  2. To know various manufacturing systems and the management issues associated with such systems.
  3. To be able to analyse commonly encountered operational problems mathematically in terms of optimization and to find the respective solution by using appropriate tools.
  4. To know the modern organisation management paradigms in particularly with respect to quality improvements. To appreciate the importance of interaction between engineering departments with other parties, internal or external to the manufacturing corporation.
  5. To be capable of integrating various modular instrumentation, measurement, control, and computing equipment to form a new system for the given task relevant to industrial manufacturing environment.
  6. To be confident in handling commonly employed data communication standards (buses) between host computers and various on-line or semi-autonomous instrumental systems to perform variety of tasks (data acquisition, control, signal processing, testing, etc.)
  7. To become familiar with the issues that may cause inaccurate measurements and to be well-versed in the statistical methods in measurement error analysis. To know how to present results in statistically sound manner and to be able to extract useful information out of raw data using sound statistical methodologies.
  8. To be aware of the environmental, health and safety issues relevant to high-volume manufacturing in the industry be able to reduced the risk of common hazardous situations.


5 Laboratory reports and 1 mini-project: 30%
Examination (3 hours): 70%

Contact hours

3 hours lectures, 1 hour tutorials, 2 hours laboratories and 6 hours private study per week


ECE2071 (or ECE2702 or TRC2400)

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