Monash University Handbooks 2008

CSE4431 - System validation and verification, quality and standard

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate, Postgraduate Faculty of Information Technology

Leader: Dr. Sita Ramakrishnan


Clayton First semester 2008 (Day)


This unit covers the products, processes, techniques and tools for system validation and verifications including acceptance tests. Commercial Testing Tools from Rational, Mercury interactive and others will be used to apply in practice knowledge learnt about software testing from a theoritical perspective. Inspection and testing methodologies, analysis of artifacts, robustness, performance analysis configuration management, quality assurance plan and standards including ISO9000/AS39000, compliance, assessment, certification issues are covered.


Assignments: 80%; Demonstration: 20%.

Contact hours

2 x contact hrs/week


CSE2201, CSE2304, CSE2305, CSE3308, BUS2176
and CSE2/3391
and CSE2/3395



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