Caulfield First semester 2008 (Evening)
Caulfield Second semester 2008 (Evening)
The unit will review imperative programming techniques such as variables, expressions, statements, conditional statements and loops. It will cover the object oriented programming concepts of objects, classes, methods, modularity, data encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. It will consider mechanisms of reuse such as class libriaries and packages, in particular the core libraries of Java. It will introduce the event-driven paradigm and some user interface programming using Swing or the AWT. It will look at structured representations of O/O design such as UML and design patterns. Finally, it will introduce basic network programming techniques of sockets, url classes and applets.
At the completion of this unit, students will have knowledge of:
Exam: 50%, Assignments: 50%.
4 x contact hrs/week
Entry into the Masters of Network Computing or similar Masters course. Demonstratable knowledge of a procedural programming language such as C or pascal, equivalent to a second programming unit in a computing degree.
FIT5910, CSE9000. Students who have passed units in Java will not be permitted to enrol in this unit.