Monash University Handbooks 2008

CHE3166 - Process design

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Engineering

Leader: A Hoadley


Clayton Second semester 2008 (Day)
Sunway Second semester 2008 (Day)


This unit will develop four important inter-related themes associated with the detailed design of chemical equipment and processes. These themes are process safety, mechanical integrity, equipment selection, and process operability (including piping and instrumentation). These themes will be developed using a mixture of lectures and project-orientated learning activities, which will involve computer simulation and at least one plant visit.


Be able to design processes which eliminate or reduce the risks to personnel and the environment and layout a processing plant to facilitate its operation and safety.
Be able to calculate the stress distribution for plane stress and be able to calculate the principal stresses for the following loading conditions: internal pressure, bending, and torsion. Calculate the combined loading on a pressure vessel and complete the mechanical design according to AS1210.
Be able to select materials for particular applications from an understanding of their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.
Be able to calculate the main parameters required to specify rotary equipment such as pumps, compressors, expanders and mixers and be able to design fully a heat exchanger. Furthermore, be able to select the appropriate form of this equipment.
Be able to draw a P & I diagram for a continuous process including details of the piping system and instrumentation, including simple control strategies.
Understand the role of the chemical engineer in the detailed design of a project and his/her relationship to other engineers and professions who might also be involved.


Tests: 10%
Projects: 30%
Examination (3 hours): 60%
Students are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component (assignments, tests, mid-semester exams, laboratory reports) and at least 45% in the final examination component. Students faiing to achieve this requirement will be given a maximum of 44% in the unit.

Contact hours

3 hours lectures, 3 hours practice sessions and 6 hours of private study per week


CHE2162, CHE2163, CHE2164



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