Monash University Handbooks 2008

BTF4220 - Taxation of companies & shareholders

6 points, SCA Band 3, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate, Postgraduate Faculty of Business and Economics

Leader: Dr Bill Orow


Not offered in 2008


An analysis of the law relating to the taxation of companies and shareholders, taxation of dividends, imputation, losses, debt and equity rules, consolidation of corporate groups, liquidations, capital reductions, share buy backs and international aspects of corporate taxation.


Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: identify and analyse taxation issues which arise in relation to companies and sharehodlers under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth); and conduct research into, and give an informed view on the likely development of the law relating to, the taxation of companies and shareholders.


Within semester assessment (optional): 30%
Examination (3 hours, open book/take home): 70% or 100%

Contact hours

Three hours per week on-campus and/or intensive mode over summer (both 39 hours in total)




BTF4540, BTF5520, BTF5220

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