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Not offered in 2007
American political scientist Harold Laswell once wrote that the study of politics involved a study of '... who gets what, and how'. In this course the study of power will occur through an examination of how political organisations influence the public policy agenda. Topics include an investigation of the theoretical perspectives on the exercise of power in liberal democratic states, the organisation and mobilisation of interest groups, strategies used by groups to influence government, public opinion and elections. Specific case studies of lobbying by political movements will be drawn on to highlight how power and influence manifests itself in Australian politics.
By the conclusion of this subject, students will have:
1. Essay 2,000 40%
2. Tutorial Presentation and Participation 500 10%
3. Examination 2000 50%
3 hours (2 x 1 hour lectures and 1 x 1 hour tutorial) per week
A first-year sequence in Politics or permission.