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Clayton First semester 2007 (Day)
This is the first part of an intermediate sequence which covers both spoken language and contemporary written language. Language acquisition through active interaction in and out of the classroom is encouraged. The course content is integrated around a major project which involves interviewing a Japanese native speaker and writing a report.
Upon successful completion students should: 1. be able to understand and use Japanese grammar at intermediate level,
2. be able to read and understand extracts from Japanese text, of various genres written for a Japanese audience 3.have developed listening and speaking skills in the area of their interest 4. have developed interview skills to obtain information from members of the Japanese community 5. be able to write and talk about given topics 6. be able to recognize the kanji introduced at previous levels, and 150 newly introduced kanji 7. have developed and be able to display skills to use a Japanese word processor 8. be able to use a kanji dictionary, and 9. have developed skills that will enable them to continue their Japanese acquisition outside the classroom.
Written tests Equivalent (1800 words): 40%;
Aural/Oral tests Equivalent (900 words): 20%;
Quizzes Equivalent(900 words): 20%;
Assignments Equivalent (900 words): 20%
4 hours
Japanese 4 or equivalent