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Not offered in 2007
From its very beginnings, the cinema has endlessly repeated and remade the same stories. This unit begins with the understanding that texts are not closed and self-contained structures but are the repetition and transformation of other textual structures. Film remaking becomes a particular, institutionalised instance of a type of quotation effect that exists in and for every film text. This unit broadly explores the idea of cinematic remaking-as genre, quotation, allusion, adaptation and transformation-in relation to contemporary and classical film and other visual texts.
By the completion of this unit students will be expected to:
Essay (3000 words):60%;
Visual test (1.5 hours)(1500 words):40%
4 hours (1 x 1 hour lecture, 1 x 1 hour tutorial and 1 x 2 hour screening) per week
Students should have completed a first year sequence in Visual Culture or a related discipline approved by the unit coordinator