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Clayton First semester 2007 (Day)
This unit will examine historical and cultural changes in the representation of childhood and the child figure in a range of texts from the romantic to the modern eras. Prose fictions, some addressed to adult readers, some to child readers, will be explored for the ways in which discourses about the 'child' intersect with discourses about notions of origins; gender and sexuality; class, social place, power and subjectivity; race, the family and the home; education of mind and body; and growing up. The subject will employ poststructuralist, semiotic and discourse theory, and will have a feminist emphasis.
It is intended that students undertaking this course should develop:
Two seminar papers (2000 words): 40%
Essay (2000 words): 20%
Essay (3000 words): 40%
2 hours (1 x 2 hour seminar) per week