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Not offered in 2007
Expeditionary learning considers the educational potential and significance of extended journeys in outdoor environments. It is made up of three interrelated phases of interdisciplinary inquiry and field experiences. The preparation phase examines the safe planning of a journey and includes preparatory research for various field studies to be conducted during the expedition. The action phase is the actual conduct of the expedition and data gathering for the field studies. The reflection phase includes an evaluation of the educational significance of the expedition and a final theoretical presentation of the field study. The unit includes 10 to 14 days of fieldwork.
At the end of this unit students will have acquired the ability to safely plan and implement an extended journey in remote outdoor settings in a particular season, be able to demonstrate careful judgement in a chosen outdoor pursuit and the ability to work effectively as a group member. Students are required to present a detailed theoretical and reflective understanding of the physical, psychological, social, ecological, cultural and policy dimensions of the wilderness expedition experience and demonstrate an understanding of nature based ethics and the responsibilities of outdoor educators, leaders and guides.
Assignment 1 (2000 words): 50%
Report (2000 words): 50%; Completion of the fieldwork component; and minimum Attendance requirement at Class Sessions - 80%
2 hours per week