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Not offered in 2007
The conservation of wildlife and environmental problems faced by humans. Students investigate the conservation of species, habitats and biodiversity in studies of local wildlife conservation projects and local marine protected areas. Similar approaches are taken with environmental issues. Major environmental issues studied include global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and population.
Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to demonstrate understanding of some of the. key causes of environmental problems and be able to outline the key elements of the evolution of the environment movement; demonstrate understanding of the varying definitions of the terms 'biodiversity' , 'conserve' and 'conservation'; explain the different reasons for, and the methods of, conservation at the levels of species, habitat and biodiversity; express their own opinions regarding the usefulness or desirability, in given circumstances, of aiming conservation attempts at one or more of these levels; investigate and explain the roles of the various activities in conservation, for example captive breeding programs, reintroduction programs, establishment of protected areas and the establishment of biodiversity reserves; demonstrate an understanding of the causes of environmental problems by researching and reporting on a topic relating to global warming, ozone depletion, pollution or population.
Investigation of a local conservation project (2000 words equivalent): 50%
Research Project related to ecological sustainability (2000 words equivalent): 50%
2 hours per week