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Clayton First semester 2007 (Day)
This unit will examine the process of creating a design approach to theatrical production through an understanding of applied aesthetics. It will consider issues of lighting, sound, line, mass and colour, and the ways in which they craft theatre scenography. It will focus on the ways in which specific texts might be interpreted as well as the histories and potentials of specific theatre buildings and structures. Both the 'craft' and 'art' of design will be explored in a practical project reflecting the theoretical and historical understandings developed in this unit. At fifth-year level students are expected to demonstrate a deeper knowledge and integration of the material.
Students who complete this unit successfully should have developed:
Practical folio of design for implementation (4,000 words): 40%;
Seminar paper (2,000 words) 25%;
Contribution to class discussion (2,000 words) 25%;
Practical class work (1,000 words) 10%
2 hours per week
DTS 4000
DTH 4001