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CSE3305 - Formal methods II

6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Information Technology


Clayton First semester 2007 (Day)
Malaysia First semester 2007 (Day)


Information theory in particular types of codings, entropy, information rate, communication channels. Shannon's coding theorems. A review of probability theory. Introduction to the simulation of discrete stochastic processes and Monte Carlo methods. Intractable problems: P, NP, and P-Space complexity classes; Cook's theorem and its application to proving NP-completeness. Approximate solutions to intractable problems.


Assignments: 30%; Examination (3 hours): 70%.

Contact hours

Two x 1 hr lecture/week, One x 1 hr tutorial/fortnight


CSC2030 or CSE2303 and CSC2040 or CSE2304