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CRT5760 - Gender, Body and Performance

12 points, SCA Band 1, 0.250 EFTSL

Postgraduate Faculty of Arts

Leader: Rachel Fensham


Not offered in 2007


Unit introduces the theoretical debates which construct and inform relations between the concepts of gender, bodies and performance. It investigates how different discourses including visual/literary criticism and psychoanalysis have produced meanings about the body and gender. It considers the way these discursive constructions of the body have been represented in performance, focusing on how particular technologies of representation contribute to the meanings of the body in performance. A broad definition of performance will be applied, from those events or representations involving the live body and those involving a mediate body.


First essay (2500 words): 25%
Second essay/presentation (2500-3000 words): 25%
Long essay (3500 words): 50%
In addition to an increased assessment load, students at fifth year level will be expected to demonstrate an advanced theoretical understanding of the unit.

Contact hours

3 hours per week


Enrolment in Masters level coursework degree.