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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Environmental geosciences

Coordinators: Dr Ian Cartwright and Dr Marc Leblanc

The discipline

Environmental geosciences address how the Earth’s natural environment operates both today and over geological time, and explores the consequences of human modification of that environment. It stresses the interaction between natural systems that have long-term variability and short-term impacts of human activity.

Students in environmental geosciences will be given the scientific skills necessary to understand some of the major global environmental issues; understanding and managing groundwater and surface water resources, salinity, pollution, geological hazard mapping and prediction, and understanding the Earth’s long-term climate record.

Units offered

Level one

  • ESC1011 Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
  • ESC1022 Planet earth: dynamic systems, environmental change and resources

Level two

  • ESC2032 The dynamic biosphere: changing fauna and flora through geological time
  • ESC2111 The dynamic earth I: building of continents and the environment
  • ESC2122 The dynamic earth II: global processes
  • ESC2141 Charles Darwin and geology
  • ESC2192 Environmental earth sciences

Level three

  • ESC3162 Ore deposit geology and global metallogeny
  • ESC3170 Field geology of New Zealand
  • ESC3180 Field mapping
  • ESC3190 Hydrogeology and environmental geoscience
  • ESC3200 Earth sciences project
  • ESC3201 Deformation and metamorphism of the crust
  • ESC3232 The dynamic biosphere: Changing fauna and flora through geological time
  • ESC3291 Climates in geological time
  • ESC3311 Geophysics: regional mapping
  • ESC3322 Geophysics: geoscience software
  • ESC3332 Global dynamics and crustal evolution
  • ESC3340 Geophysics: special topics
  • ESC3392 Remote sensing and GIS in the geosciences
  • ESC3410 Earth sciences special studies 1
  • ESC3411 Sediments, basins and resources
  • ESC3420 Earth sciences special studies 2
  • ESC3421 Volcanology and igneous petrology

Sequence requirements

Minor sequence in environmental geosciences (24 points):

Major sequence in environmental geosciences (48 points):

Double major sequence in environmental geosciences (72 points):

  • A major sequence in environmental geosciences, and
  • Either 24 points from any other level-three ESC units, or ESC2122 and the remaining 18 points of ESC units at level three

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