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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Environmental Science

Course code: 2340 + Course abbreviation: BEnvSc + Total credit points required: 192 + 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

The course provides students with a solid foundation in traditional areas of science (chemistry, geosciences, biological sciences, physics, geography, mathematics) together with a range of units specifically targeting environmental issues including environmental policy and planning, environmental risk and impact assessment, sampling and monitoring methods for air, surface water, groundwater, soils, and biological communities.

Course objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will have skills and knowledge in a traditional area of science and an understanding of the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of science in the environment. Graduates will be able to contribute effectively to designing scientific and technical environmental monitoring and sampling programs, to conduct environmental studies, and to contribute to environmental policy development.

Course structure

The course can be taken as either a pass or honours degree. Students must complete the studies as described below, including core units, and a major and minor sequence in different areas of science. The requirements to complete a major and/or minor sequence in an area of science are described in the ‘Science areas of study and sequences - Clayton’ section of this handbook. The major and minor sequences must be in the following science areas:

Core area

Host school

Atmospheric science

Mathematical sciences

Geography and environmental science


Biological sciences






Geography and environmental science

Note that it is highly recommended that students discuss their choice of units and programs at each stage with the environmental science core area advisers.

Course requirements

Students must complete all of the following:

Stage one
  • CHM1011 Chemistry or CHM1031 The world of chemistry I
  • ENV1011 Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
  • ENV1022 Australian physical environments: evolution, status and management
  • Either SCI1020 Introduction to statistical reasoning or 6 points of mathematics (STA1010 Statistical methods for science recommended)*
  • 6 points of biology (BIO1042 Environmental biology recommended)
  • 6 points of physics (PHS1042 Physics, energy and the environment recommended)
  • 12 points of units chosen from level one units offered by the Faculty of Science or other faculties

Students are encouraged to select at least two, and preferably three, core areas in which they may develop their major and minor sequences and to undertake the level one requirements for each at stage one. The requirements for science sequences are listed in the ‘Science areas of study and sequences – Clayton’ section of this handbook.

Students may complete up to 60 points of level one units during the course so they may delay completing the physics requirement to their second year of study, if necessary.

The level one mathematics/statistics unit taken will depend on the mathematics background and interests.

    * SCI1020 (Introduction to statistical reasoning) is for students without a strong mathematics background, while STA1010 (Statistical methods for science) requires the student to have studied VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 (or approved equivalent).

Stage two
  • ENV2011 Environmental policy and management
  • ENV2022 Environmental analysis 1: sampling and monitoring

at least 12 points of units offered in each of two of the following core study areas at level two (24 points):

  • atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, geosciences and geography

plus up to 12 points of units chosen from level one or level two units offered by the Faculty of Science or other faculties

Stage three
  • ENV3011 Environmental analysis 2: decision making
  • ENV3022 Environmental technology
  • additional points as required to complete a major and a minor sequence (in different areas of study) from units offered in the following study areas at level three: atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, geosciences and geography (at least 48 points)
  • the remaining points can be taken from units offered by the Faculty of Science or other faculties (up to 12 points)
Stage four
Pass degree
  • additional points as required to complete two major sequences, or a double major and a minor sequence (in different areas of study) from units offered in the following study areas: atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, geosciences and geography.
  • the remaining points from relevant units to complete an individual program developed between the student and the course coordinator. This program will involve units in the science areas relevant to environmental science, environmental engineering, law, and business, and will take into account the interests of the student.
Honours degree
  • 48 points of level four science units, in accordance with the requirements for the Honours degree of Bachelor of Science in one of the following areas of study: atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, geosciences or geography.

The maximum time for completion of the course is 10 years, including intermissions.

Course progression requirements

To be admitted to the honours program students are required to have completed 144 points of study including all stage 1-3 requirements, and have achieved a distinction grade average (70 per cent) in 24 points of studies in relevant level three units. These 24 points of studies will normally include at least 18 points of units in the area of study in which they wish to undertake honours. Students who have obtained an average of 65-69 per cent in their main third-year sequence may also be eligible for consideration if they have also obtained an average of at least 65 per cent in their remaining level three units and the relevant head of school supports their application.

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