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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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The honours degree of Bachelor of Nursing

Course code: 1249 + Course abbreviation: HonoursDegBachNsg + Total credit points required: 192 + 4 years full-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Gippsland; Peninsula - F/T only)

Course description

The honours degree provides students with a recognised pathway to a higher degree by research. Through completion of the honours degree, students will acquire knowledge, competence, skills and attributes that will enhance their ability to promote professional nursing and to lead and achieve in their chosen fields. Nursing in contemporary health care settings requires practitioners who are highly trained professionals, technically competent and capable of problem identification, together with the application of research methods, within the practice environment.

Students undertaking the Bachelor of Nursing are selected into the honours degree at the completion of the second year. From year three, students undertaking the honours degree in nursing will begin taking research units alongside their remaining nursing units.

Course objectives

On completion of this course students will be able to: 1. clearly describe a broad range of research methodologies which may be used to investigate the discipline of nursing; demonstrate skills in undertaking research including planning, development and implementation of a research project under supervision; produce and present research work at a scholarly level; be proficient in information management and computer-based data acquisition, analysis, presentation, and word processing; have acquired a range of the clinical skills to the level of an advanced novice practitioner level; pursue further study and learning in selected areas of the discipline of nursing independently of the need for close supervision and monitoring; understand the breadth and diversity of the discipline of nursing; work as part of a multi-disciplinary team in the clinical environment; identify clinical problems and utilise evidence-based practice models to research clinical solutions; demonstrate safe clinical practice based on sound theoretical knowledge and reasoning.

Course structure

Course requirements

To qualify for the honours degree of Bachelor of Nursing, students must satisfactorily complete the following units in their third and fourth year of study (having already completed years one and two of the Bachelor of Nursing – see the entry for this course under ‘Single degrees’ earlier in this section of the handbook).

Third year
First semester
  • NUR4401 Clinical honours thesis I: applied research methods and skills
  • NUR3106 Nursing practice 6: introduction to high acuity nursing
  • NUR3104 Nursing practice 4B: mental health nursing
  • NUR3305 Concepts of pathophysiology
Second semester
  • NUR4402 Clinical honours thesis II: framing a research project
  • NUR3107 Nursing practice 7: community nursing
  • NUR3203 Gender and family health
Fourth year
First semester
  • NUR4403 Clinical honours thesis III: conducting a research project
  • NUR3202 Transition to professional roles
Second semester
  • NUR4404 Clinical honours thesis IV: implementing and reporting research

Professional recognition

The honours degree of Bachelor of Nursing will be awarded on completion of the course and will lead to eligibility for general nurse registration (division 1) with the Nurses Board of Victoria.

Contact details

Telephone: +61 3 9904 4260 (Peninsula), +61 3 9902 6454 (Gippsland); email: or visit

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