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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Part-time, off-campus learning and off-shore studies


Part-time students are expected to proceed through their course at half the rate of full-time students. Some units are available in the evening, commencing at 4pm or 6pm, on the Caulfield campus. Part-time undergraduate students should note that they are required to attend examinations at the same time as full-time students. If in doubt, students should check with the faculty office.

Off-campus learning

All courses offered by the Gippsland School of Information Technology are available to students for part-time study by off-campus learning. These courses are designed so that it is possible to complete all requirements without any on-campus attendance.

All off-campus students* in IT courses must have an IBM-compatible personal computer with a printer, a modem, and internet access in order to complete and electronically submit assignment work and to communicate with lecturers and other students.

*Visit for more information.

Off-shore students

The faculty has students based in Hong Kong completing their degrees by off-campus learning courses offered in collaboration with a partner organisation. Off-shore students are subject to the same university, faculty and course regulations as students based in Australia. Email for details.

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