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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Business Studies

Course code: 1718 + Course abbreviation: BBusSt + Total credit points required: 144 + 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

Off-campus (Gippsland P/T only)

Course description

This degree program, offered through Open Universities Australia, is designed to be flexible and achieve depth and breadth in the study of human resource management, management and marketing business majors. The course includes units from Monash University and other universities.

To be eligible to register and confirm a place in Monash’s Bachelor of Business Studies, students must complete and pass a minimum of two Open Universities Australia units, one of which must be Monash-provided. Once registered with Monash, students have 10 years to complete the following degree requirements.

Course structure

Areas of study

Students must complete at least one major in human resource management, management or marketing. Students can complete a second major listed in this degree, or minor sequences in business law, human resource management, management, marketing or psychology. Other units of study can be selected from the current Open Universities Australia handbook available online at It is recommended students new to university complete the Open Universities unit SSK12 (Introduction to university learning).

Course requirements

The degree requirements are:

(a) completion of six compulsory common core units (36 points):

  • ACF110 Accounting fundamentals
  • BLW16 Introduction to law
  • BMS11 Business statistics
  • ECO11 Microeconomics
  • MAN11 Introduction to management*
  • MAR11 Marketing theory and practice*

(b) completion of seven units (42 points) to make a discipline major:

Human resource management major
  • PSY130 Organisational behaviour
  • MAN22 Human resource management*
  • MAN230 Managerial communication*
  • MAN231 Recruitment and selection*
  • MAN232 Employment relations*
  • MAN320 International human resource management*
  • MAN321Organisational change*
Management major
  • MAN14 Project management*
  • BIS15 Information technology in organisations
  • MAN22 Human resource management*
  • MAN26 International business*
  • MAN31 Strategic management*
  • MAN32 International management*
  • MAN33 Service operations management*
Marketing major
  • MAR12Research methods for marketing and management*
  • MAR24 Buyer behaviour*
  • MAR23 Integrated marketing communication*
  • MAR32 Issues in competitive advantage*
  • MAR33 Marketing planning and implementation*
  • MAR34 International marketing*
  • MAR35 Strategic marketing*

(c) students must complete a further 11 units (66 points).

Further units may be selected from units in the Bachelor of Business Studies and may make up another major or one or two minor sequences.

Six further units (36 points) may be selected from any undergraduate level units listed in the Open Universities Australia handbook. The unit SSK12 (Introduction to university learning) is an example of such a unit.

Students intending to seek employment in the business sector or to apply for an honours program offered through a university are advised to select further units from within the business and economics area.

Further units may also be selected from any of the following:

  • ACG24 Introduction to management accounting
  • ACG32 Finance and investment
  • ECO12 Macroeconomics
  • MAN27 Introduction to best practice management
  • MAN28 Tools for implementing best practice management
  • MAR22 Sales management
  • MGM21 Business communication and negotiation
Business law minor
  • BLW21 Company law
  • BLW22 Taxation law
  • BLW23 Marketing law
  • BLW26 International law
Human resource management minor (cannot be taken with HRM major)
  • MAN22 Human resource management*
  • MAN231 Recruitment and selection*
  • MAN232 Employment relations*
  • MAN321Organisational change*
Management minor (cannot be taken with a management minor)
  • MAN14 Project management
  • MAN22 Human resource management*
  • MAN 32 International management*
  • MAN33 Service operations management*
Marketing minor (cannot be taken with a marketing major)
  • MAR23 Integrated marketing communication*
  • MAR24 Buyer behaviour*
  • MAR33 Marketing planning and implementation*
  • MAR35 Strategic marketing*
  • PSY11 Introduction to psychology 1A
  • PSY12 Introduction to psychology 1B
  • PSY130 Organisational behaviour
  • PSY230 Introduction to theories in counselling

(d) the overall degree requirements include:

(i) at least eight units from Monash’s Faculty of Business and Economics.

(ii) no more than 10 first-year-level units (60 points).

(iii) at least six third-year-level units (36 points).

(iv) a total of 24 units (144 points).

* These units are offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Contact details

Telephone +61 3 9902 6380, email or visit

Course coordinator

Ms Wendy Webber

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