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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Doctor of Medicine

Course code: 3852 (supervised); 3853 (unsupervised*) + Course abbreviation: MD + 8 semesters full-time, 16 semesters part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Caulfield; Clayton; Gippsland; Peninsula)

Off-campus (Caulfield; Clayton; Gippsland; Peninsula)

    * The MD (unsupervised) is only available to domestic students.

Course description

The MD is a research degree which requires a candidate to submit a thesis. The work undertaken as part of this research degree must constitute a significant contribution to the knowledge and understanding of a field of study of direct concern to the faculty, and must demonstrate the capacity of the candidate to carry out independent research. The work presented for examination must be the original work of the candidate, except where due reference is made in the text. A candidate may include published work which is directly relevant to the argument of the thesis. Candidates may not present in, or in support of, a thesis any work which the candidate has presented for any other degree or diploma at this university, or any other institution.

The degree may be undertaken in two modes – with supervision over a period of three to four years full-time or four to eight years part-time, or without supervision (candidates in this mode have no attendance or supervision requirements).

A candidate for MD (supervised) is required to carry out a prescribed program of research for a specified period under the direct supervision of a member of the academic staff. The supervisor, in consultation with the candidate, is responsible for developing the research program to be followed by the candidate, and for reporting at regular intervals on the candidate’s progress.

Entry requirements

Candidature with supervision

An applicant for admission to candidature under this program must have: (a) qualified in the university for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; and (b) have research training that the committee is satisfied is equivalent to honours 1, or honours 2A, or other qualifications which in the opinion of the committee are equivalent or a satisfactory substitute.

Candidature without supervision

An applicant for admission to candidature under this program must have qualified, not less than five years previously, for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery: in this university; or in another university recognised for the purpose by the faculty board and, in this case, the applicant must be a member of the academic staff of the faculty unless the faculty board in any particular case otherwise determines and the faculty board must be satisfied that the applicant has, since qualifying for the degrees, have been substantially engaged in the practice and study of medicine or an allied field; or scientific or other scholarly work relevant to the practice of medicine or an allied field.

Contact details

Dr Jennifer Scott, Manager Research Degrees Office, telephone: +61 3 9905 4313; email: or visit

Course coordinator

Associate Professor Igor Wendt

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