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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of Computer Science

Course code: 3328 + Course abbreviation: MCS + Total credit points required: 96 + 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This degree, offered by the Clayton School of Information Technology, aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of one or more areas of study relevant to technical computing and information technology, and in the case of the Master of Computer Science (Minor Thesis) option (below), to provide preparation for further research. Students must complete a sequence of study in at least one Master of Computer Science (MCS) specialisation.

Minor thesis option

MCS students who perform well and are contemplating undertaking further research studies have the opportunity to complete a research project/minor thesis and research methods training which, if completed to a satisfactory level, will enable them to graduate with a MCS (Minor Thesis).

After completion of a semester of MCS coursework, students who have attained a distinction average may apply for permission to do a research project/minor thesis along with formal research methods training. This option typically requires a 36-point research project/minor thesis. (A 24-point research project may be taken with permission from the course leader.) The MCS (Minor Thesis) is a graded degree with grades of H1, H2A, H2B and H3. Completion of the MCS (Minor Thesis) at H1 or H2A level enables students to apply for admission to a research degree program such as the PhD in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University.

MCS students not undertaking the minor thesis option will graduate with MCS, an ungraded degree, and will not generally be eligible for entry to a subsequent research program on the basis of their MCS.

Entry requirements

A three-year undergraduate qualification in computer science or equivalent with a credit grade point average in the final year of study from an Australian university or equivalent. Graduates of a four-year honours program such as Software Engineering with Honours or Computer Science (Honours) may apply for admission to the MCS with credit of up to 48 points.

Course structure

To qualify for the MCS, students must complete 96 points of study. The program must include: a minimum of 75 per cent (72 points) of approved MCS units with at least 24 points of level 5 units; at least one approved 36-point MCS specialisation; and up to 25 per cent (24 points) of elective units approved by the course coordinator. With the permission of the course coordinator, the elective units may be chosen from other schools and faculties and may include advanced undergraduate units that provide preparation for approved MCS units or otherwise complement the MCS program. This flexibility is beneficial to students and facilitates preparation for further interdisciplinary studies.

Master of Computer Science

To graduate with the MCS, students must complete 96 points of study, including:

  • a minimum of 72 points of approved MCS units with at least 24 points of level 5 units
  • at least one approved 36-point MCS specialisation
  • up to 24 points of elective units approved by the course leader.

Master of Computer Science (Minor Thesis)

To graduate with the MCS (Minor Thesis), students must complete 96 points of study, including:

  • a minimum of 72 points of approved MCS units with at least 24 points of level 5 units
  • at least one approved 36-point MCS specialisation
  • a research project and research methods training/minor thesis, typically of 36 points (however a 24-point research project may be taken with the permission of the course leader)
  • up to 24 points of elective units approved by the course leader.

MCS specialisations*

Computer science specialisation units
  • BUS5410 Advanced programming for database applications
  • CSE4213 Formal methods in software engineering
  • CSE4333 Parallel systems
  • CSE4500 Information retrieval systems
  • CSE4530 Object oriented application programming in C++
  • CSE5200 Distributed database systems
  • CSE5230 Data mining
  • CSE5323 Professional issues
  • CSE5340 Programming language concepts and semantics (not offered in 2007)
  • CSE5501 Mobile and distributed computing systems
  • CSE5610 Intelligent software systems
  • ECE5074 Advanced computer architecture
  • ECE5077 Advanced computing techniques
  • FIT4005 IT research methods
  • FIT4009 Advanced topics in intelligent systems
  • FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
  • FIT4011 Advanced topics in programming languages and systems (not offered in 2007)
  • FIT4012 Advanced topics in computational science
Digital communications specialisation units
  • CSE5210 Advances in information security
  • CSE5807 Wireless and personal communications systems
  • ECE5024 Wireless communications
  • ECE5042 Communications theory
  • ECE5043 Optical communications
  • ECE5045 Network performance
  • FIT4015 Digital communications technology and protocols
  • FIT4016 Information security
  • FIT4017 Network management
  • FIT5008 Digital communications project
  • FIT5010 Advanced internet protocols and applications
  • FIT5011 Advanced network design and performance
  • FIT5012 Coding and compression for digital communications
Software engineering specialisation units
  • BUS5021 Advanced business information systems
  • BUS5150 Project management
  • BUS5710 Applied e-business B2B
  • BUS5720 Corporate groupware
  • BUS5960 B2C internet commerce
  • CSE4002 Software engineering studio project
  • CSE4213 Formal methods in software engineering
  • CSE4333 Parallel systems
  • CSE4431 System validation and verification, quality and standards
  • CSE4530 Object oriented application programming in C++
  • CSE5000 Distributed object terminology
  • CSE5210 Advances in information security
  • CSE5323 Professional issues
  • CSE5910 Java for programming multimedia applications
  • CSE5930 User interface design and programming
  • ECE5077 Advanced computing techniques
  • FIT4016 Information security

* Not all units are available in any one year. This list is subject to revision.

Project/minor thesis units**

  • CSE5351 Research project/Research training/Minor thesis – initial component
  • CSE5352 Research project – intermediate component
  • CSE5353 Research project/Research training/Minor thesis – final component

** A 36-point minor thesis is made up of the three 12-point units – CSE5351, CSE5352 and CSE5353 taken over two or three semesters. A 24-point minor thesis comprises CSE5351 and CSE5353 over one or two semesters. Despite being divided into 12-point components for administrative reasons, the minor thesis is a single entity incorporating a research project and formal research methods training, hence results are returned only on completion of CSE5353, the final component.

Exit awards

Students wishing to exit the Master of Computer Science early may apply to graduate with the:

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Science after successful completion of 24 points of study, or
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science after successful completion of 48 points of study, of which at least 36 points are from graduate-level approved MCS units, or
  • Master of Information Technology after successful completion of 72 points of study, of which at least 60 points are from graduate units in the Master of Information Technology, including at least four level-5 units

provided they have satisfied the requirements for these awards.

Professional recognition

The Faculty of Information Technology has applied for accreditation in 2007 for the Master of Computer Science (and Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science) from the Australian Computer Society (ACS) which may enable graduates of the course to be eligible for professional-level membership of the ACS.

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr Tim Ferguson

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