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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Diploma in Taxation

Course code: 0399 + Course abbreviation: GradDipTax + Total points required: 36 + 2 semesters full-time, 4 semesters part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Caulfield)

Course description

This course provides a detailed understanding of the concepts and practical application of Australian taxation law appropriate for students wishing to practise in the areas of accounting, law and financial management and those who are current practitioners in these areas and who require a comprehensive refresher course. It is also appropriate for students who regularly deal with taxation issues in the normal course of their employment or business dealings.

Course structure

(a) Students must complete four units (24 points) from the following list:

  • BTF4200 Income and deductions
  • BTF4210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
  • BTF4220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
  • BTF4230 Taxation of capital gains
  • BTF4240 Taxation of employees and contractors
  • BTF4250 Anti-avoidance rules and financial transactions
  • BTF4260 Tax administration and policy
  • BTF4270 Superannuation and retirement benefits
  • BTF4280 Taxation of international transactions
  • BTF4290 GST and other indirect taxes
  • BTF4300 Contemporary issues in taxation
  • BTF4310 Research project
  • BTX9651 Taxation law

(b) Students must complete a further two units (12 points) from:

  1. units listed in (a)
  2. units from the graduate program of the Department of Business Law and Taxation, other departments within the Faculty of Business and Economics or other faculties within the university.

Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma in Taxation with an average grade of credit or above may apply for admission to the Master of Taxation.

Contact details

Course director

Dr Bill Orow

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