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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of Music Studies

Course code: 3070 + Course abbreviation: MMusSt + Total credit points required: 72 + 1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

The course is designed for musicians wishing to develop a greater knowledge, understanding and competence in music. Candidates will develop specific vocational outcomes in one or more of the following fields: musicology, ethnomusicology and world music, composition, music education and pedagogy, contemporary music and Australian music. In addition, candidates will acquire a range of research methods and techniques specific to music. They will develop the capacity for critical reflection and informed assessment in the area(s) of their musical specialisation.

Minimum pass grade

To graduate with the Masters, students must gain a credit (60 C) or above in all units.

Course structure

Students complete 72 points consisting of one core and three electives at level 4, and one core and one elective at level 5.

Level 4 core unit

Level 4 electives

  • MUM4120 20th and 21st century repertoire studies
  • MUM4140 Theatrical music
  • MUM4180 Chamber music
  • MUM4200 Keyboard music
  • MUM4220 Vocal music
  • MUM4600 Special research project in music
  • MUM4640 World music: fieldwork techniques and technology
  • MUM4760 Special project: composition and music technology
  • MUM4980 Music pedagogy

Level 5 core units

Choose one:

  • MUM5010 Topics in musicology
  • MUM5650 Compositional thought: writings by composers and sound artists

Level 5 electives

  • MUM5020 Directed reading in music
  • MUM5030 Australian music history
  • MUM5040 Medieval and renaissance music
  • MUM5060 Research project in musicology or ethnomusicology

Exit points

Students who have completed:

  • 24 points of the Master of Music Studies may apply to exit with a Graduate Certificate of Arts.
  • 48 points of the Master of Music Studies may apply to exit with a Graduate Diploma in Music Studies.

Course coordinator

Dr Joel Crotty

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