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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of Criminology

Course code: 3772 + Course abbreviation: MCrim + Total credit points required: 72 + 1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Caulfield)

Course description

This course offers students an opportunity to pursue an advanced coursework program of criminal justice leading to a masters-level qualification. It provides an overview of local, national and international issues in criminal justice policy and practice and engages students in criminal justice research. The program examines contemporary issues in criminal justice, criminal justice practice and reform, regulating criminal justice, managing criminal justice issues and researching criminal justice. It also focuses on working with diverse communities in historical and political contexts. Students also have the opportunity to pursue independent criminal justice research.

Minimum pass grade

To graduate with the masters, students must gain a credit (60 C) or above in core units and a minimum credit average overall.

Course structure

Students complete 72 points, including 48 points at level 4 (four core units) and 24 points at level 5.

Level 4

  • CJM4010 Contemporary issues in criminal justice**
  • CJM4020 Researching criminal justice*
  • CJM4030 Criminal justice practice and reform**
  • CJM4040 Managing criminal justice issues*

    * Offered semester one

    ** Offered semester two

Level 5


  • CJM5000 Criminal justice research project (12 points)

plus one elective from the following:

  • CJM5060 Supervised reading in criminal justice and criminology (12 points)
  • CJM5080 Regulating criminal justice (12 points)
  • a 12-point elective unit offered within the faculty or another faculty with the approval of the course coordinator.


  • CJM5050 Criminal justice dissertation (24 points)

Exit points

After successful completion of 24 points, students may apply to exit the program with a Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice, or after successful completion of 48 points with a Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice.

Course coordinator

Dr Sharon Pickering

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