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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Diploma in Linguistics

Course code: 3768 + Course abbreviation: GradDipLing + Total credit points required: 48 + 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This program offers an opportunity for students who already have a bachelors degree without a linguistics major to complete an undergraduate major in order to qualify for entry into the honours program in linguistics.

Course structure

The course consists of 48 points. Students will normally complete eight 6-point units conforming to the requirement of the linguistics major (below). Students with some background in linguistics may undertake a combination of 6-point and 12-point (level 4) units in consultation with the course coordinator.

A linguistics major must normally include the two core introductory units (6 points each) and at least one unit from each of the four groups listed*, with a minimum of 18 points being completed at level three or level 4:

    *Additional units to make up a total of 48 points can be selected from groups 1-4 or the honours electives.

Core introductory units

  • LIN1010 The language game: why do we talk the way we do?
  • LIN1020 Describing and analysing language and communication

Group 1: Structure

  • LIN2070/3070 Eastern Austronesian languages of Indonesia, East Timor and Oceania
  • LIN2090/3090 Syntax: grammatical structure, typology and universals
  • LIN2370/3370 Aboriginal languages of Australia
  • LIN2510/3510 Structure of English

Group 2: Sound and meaning

  • LIN2110/3110 Phonetics and phonology
  • LIN2310/3310 Semantics: meaning in human languages
  • LIN2330/3330 Pragmatics: strategies for communication
  • LIN2570/3570 The analysis of discourse: texts, narrative and society

Group 3: Language and society

  • LIN2080/3080 Language across time
  • LIN2190/3190 History and sociolinguistics of English
  • LIN2350/3350 Sociolinguistics
  • LIN2390/3390 Language, communication and the sexes
  • LIN3030/4030 Issues in language endangerment

Group 4: Applications

  • LIN2430/3430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
  • LIN2160/3160 Managing intercultural communication
  • LIN2490/3490 Literacies and communication
  • LIN2550/3550 Second language acquisition and attrition
  • LIN3180 Data Management for linguists
  • LIN3050/4050 Developing language maintenance programs
  • LIN3040/4040 Researching and documenting languages
  • LIN3060/4060 Working with linguistic archival materials
  • LIN2470/3470 Intercultural communications

Honours electives

  • LIN4740 Linguistic theory (12 points)
  • LIN4720 Special topics in linguistics (12 points)

Alternative electives may be approved on an individual basis.

Exit points

There are no alternative exit points from this course.


For further study options please contact the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics or visit

Course coordinator

Professor Kate Burridge

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