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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience

Course code: 2341 + Course abbreviation: BBNSc + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton F/T only)

Course description

The course will provide several possible outcomes for its graduates. These are:

  • an in-depth specialised program in behavioural neuroscience leading to a research-based honours year in the Department of Psychology or another biomedical science department
  • a vocationally focused degree, which meets the accreditation requirements of the Australian Psychological Society, and will lead to higher studies in psychology in honours and later years
  • a non-specialised general degree in behavioural neuroscience.

Students will, by the selection of elective units in second and third year, and their subsequent performance in these units, determine which of these outcomes is to be achieved.

Course structure

The course is designed as a series of interlinked and consecutive sequences of units aimed to permit students to readily acquire fluency and proficiency in the concepts, language and fundamentals of behavioural neuroscience. The development of such a flexible curriculum may be achieved as part of one or more orderly course sequences or knowledge streams. The distinctive feature of this educational approach is that students are allowed some flexibility in their choice of units so that they are able to construct a sequence of studies suitable to their own requirements. In this way, students choose the most appropriate studies for their own particular career aspirations.

Areas of study

All students in the Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience course will complete a program which is a combination of core and elective units. The degree involves successful completion of seven compulsory behavioural neuroscience units (one at first year, two at second year and four at third-year level), five compulsory biomedical units (four at first year and one at second-year level), one compulsory physiology unit (at second-year level), five compulsory psychology units (two at first year and three at second year level) and six elective units (one at first year, one at second year and four at third-year level).

In third year, students will major in behavioural neuroscience plus psychology, physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, or pharmacology. Successful completion of the degree plus appropriate choice of major at the third-year level will provide an opportunity of gaining entry into a fourth-year honours program.

Undergraduate students enrolled in the behavioural neuroscience course will receive a handbook for the degree outlining policies regarding teaching, assessment and acceptable conduct. In addition, students will receive more detailed information about core units from unit convenors and individual unit manuals. These manuals contain detailed information on teaching staff, contact persons, timetables, textbooks, reading guides, supplementary lecture material, details and weighting of assessment methods and procedures including some specific assessment dates. Manuals are available at the commencement of each semester.

Course requirements

First year
First semester
Second semester
  • PSY1022 Psychology 1B
  • BMS1052 Human neurobiology (prerequisite for all BNS core units)
  • BMS1062 Molecular biology
  • BNS1072 Foundations of behavioural neuroscience
Second year
First semester
  • BNS2011 Brain structure and function
  • PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
  • PSY2051 Research design and analysis
  • BMS2021 Biochemistry in human function
Second semester
  • BNS2022 Behavioural neuroscience of movement and sensation
  • PSY2042 Cognitive and social psychology
  • PHY2032 Physiology of human health
  • Elective unit
Third year
First semester
  • BNS3031 Brain chemistry and behaviour
  • BNS3041 Brain development and memory
  • Elective unit
  • Elective unit
Second semester
  • BNS3052 Drugs, brain and altered awareness
  • BNS3062 Imaging and brain disorders
  • Elective unit
  • Elective unit
Elective units

Elective units in third year must be chosen from the following disciplines: psychology, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, genetics, pharmacology or immunology. Students should select third-year electives carefully, as choice of major will determine eligibility for entry into the various units being offered at honours level.

Contact details

Telephone: +61 3 9905 3968



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