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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics)

Course code: 2320 + Course abbreviation: BE(Mechatronics) + Total credit points required: 192 (48 points at Bachelor of Engineering level 1, plus 144 points from the relevant engineering branch) + 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time (1 year full-time Bachelor of Engineering, 3 years full-time in the engineering branches)

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Malaysia)

Course description

The aim of this course is to provide students with a solid grounding emphasising mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computing. Designing, maintaining and upgrading mechatronic devices and systems will require this knowledge. Also required will be an understanding of the synergies and trade-offs between the mechanical, electrical and computing elements that the devices and systems contain. Design projects at levels 2, 3 and 4 of the course facilitate integration of mechanical, electrical and computing knowledge provided in the course.

Course structure

Students enter this branch of engineering after completion of the common first year (refer to the entry for the Bachelor of Engineering earlier in this section). It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1020, ENG1030, ENG1040 and ENG1050 in first year.

At level 2, units focus on providing fundamental knowledge across the wide range of disciplines that form the basis of mechatronics. Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, electronics, mechanics, programming and digital electronics are some of the topics covered in second year.

During level 3, further fundamental knowledge is introduced together with units that build on these fundamentals to cover areas of mechatronics to a professional level. These specialised areas include mechatronics and manufacturing, and power electronics and drives.

At level 4, students undertake further units that draw together a wide range of fundamental knowledge in a mechatronics context such as robotics. Level 4 of the course allows for specialisation in wider areas of mechatronics through the selection of three elective units. Students have the opportunity to study a unit from another faculty as one of their electives and to undertake a substantial independent investigation in their chosen area of engineering interest. There is a strong emphasis on project work throughout the mechatronics course. As well as project units in second, third and fourth level many other units contain a strong project/design element.

Course requirements

This course structure was introduced for students entering level 2 of the program from 2005 onwards. Level 3 of the program will be offered from 2006 and level 4 of the program will be offered from 2007. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2005 should refer to the handbook for the year in which they commenced the course. This branch will cease intake into level 2 at the Clayton campus at the end of 2005. Students seeking to undertake mechatronics engineering at Clayton campus should consider applying for a course transfer into the new Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering. The branch will continue to be offered at the Malaysia campus as part of the Bachelor of Engineering.

Second year

Total: 48 points

Third year

  • MTE2544 Introduction to functional materials or TRC3800 Introduction to engineering and functional materials (if ENG1050 not completed at first
  • TRC3000 Mechatronics project II
  • TRC3200 Dynamical systems
  • TRC3300 Microprocessor systems
  • TRC3500 Sensors and artificial perception
  • TRC3501 Power electronics and drives
  • TRC3600 Modelling and control
  • TRC3801 Mechatronics and manufacturing

Total: 48 points

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