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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Entry requirements

Admission to the Faculty of Engineering is based on the assessment of students’ results in the Victorian Certificate of Education (or equivalent) in those subjects important to engineering - English, Mathematics, Physics and/or Chemistry. Selection for engineering degrees at Monash is based on the Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank (ENTER), a percentile score which ranks applicants in the cohort on a comparative basis. Consideration will be given to the full range of an applicant’s VCE studies and results and the level of performance in the school-based assessment tasks in prerequisite studies.

Admission to the Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) double-degree program is also based on a portfolio and interview entry requirement assessed by the Faculty of Art and Design. Students wishing to apply for this course should contact the Department of Design for a pre-selection kit by 30 September in the year before admission.

Admission to the degrees of Bachelor of Technology (Computer Studies) and Bachelor of Technology (Infrastructure - Design, Construction and Management) is available by direct entry only. An interview is part of the selection process for the Bachelor of Technology (Computer Studies).

The Malaysia campus has two intakes a year. Subject to availability of places, limited mid-year entry may be possible into some single degree courses at the Clayton campus and into the Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gippsland campus.

Advanced standing for previous studies

The Faculty of Engineering awards advanced standing towards its degree programs for completed or incomplete tertiary studies provided that it is satisfied that the units for which advanced standing is sought were substantially the same in content, contact hours and standard of assessment as those units from which exemption is sought. Advanced standing will be given to the second year of the Bachelor of Technology (Computer Studies) and the Bachelor of Technology (Infrastructure - Design, Construction and Management) for completed studies in approved TAFE institutes or equivalent courses.

The onus is upon the student to provide to relevant administrative officers on each campus full documentation concerning previous studies for which advanced standing is sought together with an academic transcript of results. This should be in the form of handbook unit entries and those sections of the handbook setting out course structure; in some cases course outlines handed out in lectures may provide the same information. This should preferably be done with the initial application for admission or, at the latest, at the time of enrolment. The minimum information required is number of years in course, level of unit in course, unit content and textbooks, number of contact hours and laboratory sessions etc per week, credit weighting of unit (percentage of year represented by unit), and method of assessment (number and length of assignments, number and length of examinations etc).

Maximum advanced standing allowed

Irrespective of what study applicants may have undertaken prior to admission, or may be permitted to take during their course under cross-institutional arrangements or under the 'permission to take work elsewhere' regulation, it is the policy of the faculty that a certain amount of work must be completed at Monash University. Students in a particular undergraduate engineering degree program must complete at least 96 points, and students in a three-year Bachelor of Technology program must complete at least 72 points at Monash. The only exception is that students transferring between degree programs offered within the single department of the faculty shall be eligible for such advanced standing as the department may recommend.

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