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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Master of Science and Master of Science Preliminary

Master of Science (MSc) and Master of Science Preliminary programs are offered by all schools in the Faculty of Science, as well as the School of Geography and Environmental Science in the Faculty of Arts, and the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC).

Application procedures

The admission of applicants to MSc and MSc Preliminary candidature is controlled by the faculty Research Degrees Committee on behalf of the Science faculty board. Prospective applicants should direct their initial inquiries to the postgraduate coordinator of the relevant school to ascertain the possibility of undertaking a research program in that prospective school or academic unit. Applicants should note that admission to masters candidature is dependent upon the availability of facilities in the proposed field of research and the availability and willingness of a member of the academic staff to supervise the candidate; a staff member may decline to accept a candidate. The procedure for application is as follows:

1. Applications, supported by certified evidence of prior qualifications, should be made on the appropriate form (available from and submitted to the Faculty of Science office.

2. Applications, with a recommendation from the head of school, will go to the Research Degrees Committee. The faculty will communicate the decision of the Research Degrees Committee to the applicant and to the school.

3. Any admission decision taken by the Research Degrees Committee is subject to endorsement by the Science faculty board.


On admitting a candidate, the faculty board will, on the recommendation of the head of school, appoint a member of the academic staff of the university as a supervisor. It may also appoint an associate supervisor who need not be an academic staff member but someone of recognised standing in the field. Both supervisors are responsible to the faculty board.

Research fellows and postdoctoral fellows may be appointed as supervisors if their terms of appointment exceed the periods of candidature, they have previous experience in supervising higher degree candidates, and they have a proven and current research record. Otherwise they may be appointed as associate supervisors.

Unsatisfactory progress

The faculty board may review the academic progress of a candidate. After taking into account any recommendations from the head of school and the supervisor, and after giving the candidate an opportunity to be heard, the faculty board may terminate the candidature on grounds of unsatisfactory performance.

Master of Science Preliminary

The MSc Preliminary is a course of study involving both coursework and research that is undertaken as preparation for admission to further studies at masters (or PhD) level. It is intended primarily for graduates who do not meet the standard eligibility requirements for entry into the MSc degree. For admission into the MSc, MSc Preliminary candidates must complete such courses and pass such examinations as prescribed by their school with results equivalent to H2A (70--79%) or better. The MSc Preliminary is not a formal qualification and candidates therefore cannot graduate.

Entry requirements

Recent graduates

New graduates with only a pass degree in a relevant field (and who have not attempted honours in that field) will require at least a credit grade average in relevant third-year units to the value of 50% of third year. Applicants should note that the support of the school is also required and a credit grade average does not guarantee admission to the course.

Graduates with honours in a different field

For graduates with honours in a different field (not regarded as a suitable preparation for direct admission to their proposed graduate studies), or for applicants applying several years after graduation and whose subsequent training and experience is deemed inadequate for direct admission to the proposed graduate studies, or non-university graduates with a diploma or other qualifications, admission may be approved if they are judged to have sufficient aptitude for research in the proposed field and a suitable motivation towards relevant studies.

Other applicants

A strong case for admission must be made by the head of school to the dean where an applicant does not have the required credit grade average at third-year level. Such an application will only be considered where there are exceptional circumstances and relevant experience can be demonstrated.

Course structure

The MSc Preliminary will usually include a combination of coursework and research, and it is anticipated that the research component undertaken in this course will form the basis of the research thesis required under the MSc.

Duration of candidature

Full-time candidates are required to complete the MSc Preliminary within 12 months. Part-time candidates are required to complete this course within 24 months.

Master of Science (MSc)

The MSc is a research masters degree for which candidates are required to submit a major thesis for examination. The thesis should embody the results of an investigation carried out by the candidate, under supervision, which shows independence of thought and which demonstrates their ability to carry out research in their discipline.

Entry requirements

Recent graduates

An applicant who graduated within three years from the time of application should normally hold a class 1 (H1) or class 2A honours (H2A) degree in a relevant field. Normally applicants would have a Bachelor of Science (Honours) and have completed a major sequence and research project in the research field for which admission is sought.

Completion of Master of Science Preliminary

An applicant who has completed a relevant Master of Science Preliminary course at the equivalent of a class 1 (H1) or class 2A honours (H2A) grade will be considered on a similar basis to a class 1 (H1) or class 2A honours (H2A) applicant for Master of Science by research candidature.

Other applicants

For graduates with honours in a different field (not regarded as a suitable preparation for direct admission to their proposed graduate studies), or applicants applying more than three years after graduation, or a non-university graduate with a diploma or other qualifications, a period of research, industrial, teaching, or other relevant experience may qualify the applicant for admission to candidature, subject to a case successfully being made for H2A equivalence. Documentary evidence must be provided in support of the relevant experience. In recommending acceptance of such a candidate, the head of school should be satisfied that the candidate would not require an undue amount of supervision or be likely to make demands beyond the capacity of the school's resources.

Part-time MSc candidature

Applicants may be admitted to part-time candidature if they can provide written evidence that they can devote at least two full working days per week or its equivalent to the research project.

A research assistant in full-time employment in the university may, on the recommendation of a head of school, be permitted to enrol as a part-time candidate. The Research Degrees Committee will require a letter from the supervisor, countersigned by the head of school, certifying:

  • that there is sufficient freedom to pursue original research
  • the extent to which the research undertaken as part of the employment overlaps with that undertaken as a candidate, and
  • that there will be no limitation on the publication of results of the candidate's primary research work.

Duration of candidature

Except where the faculty board in any particular case otherwise determines, a thesis must be submitted in a minimum of 12 months of full-time or 24 months of part-time candidature and a maximum of 24 months of full-time or 48 months of part-time candidature.

Writing-up away

Approval to write the thesis away from the university may be sought by candidates who have been enrolled for at least the minimum time specified in the regulations, providing their supervisor has sighted the first draft of the thesis. A maximum of six months writing-up away may be approved in the first instance. Candidates should note that the writing-up away period is not additional to that of the length of candidature.

Masters thesis format and submission requirements

Guidelines for the presentation and preparation of masters theses can be found on the Faculty of Science website at The thesis should normally have a word length of between 50,000 and 70,000 words although individual school requirements may differ. This should not include footnotes, references or appendices, nor should it include equations, tables, diagrams and other illustrations. Where it is proposed that the thesis will exceed the specified maximum length, the candidate will be required to submit a request to the Research Degrees Committee in advance of the thesis being submitted for examination.

Intellectual property

Candidates shall comply with the university statute and regulations on intellectual property. At their first enrolment, all new candidates are required to complete an intellectual property form, which must be lodged with the Faculty of Science office.

External MSc candidature

External mode candidature allows candidates to undertake research in an approved research institution in Australia or in another country where resources and complementary supervision are available. Candidates may also have the option to spend some of their time at the Monash University Malaysia campus or Monash South Africa campus, if the project allows. External candidates must have access to email as well as telephone and/or video-conferencing facilities. An external supervisor with the appropriate expertise, based in the external location, will normally be appointed. This supervision will be in addition to the supervision provided by academic staff members of the university. Regular interactive communication between the candidate and the main supervisor should take place at least once per month. An annual 15-day attendance requirement in the school or department in which the candidate is enrolled must be met each year (or eight days in the case of part-time candidates), although in special circumstances a reduction in the 15-day attendance requirement after the first year may be considered by the Research Degrees Committee.

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