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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Structure and organisation of the faculty

The Faculty of Science conducts undergraduate and postgraduate courses on the Clayton, Gippsland and Malaysia campuses. Postgraduate programs offered by the faculty include the Graduate Certificate in Science Studies (GradCertScStud) and Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc), which are available by on-campus and off-campus learning, and the Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) postgraduate programs, which may be undertaken on campus and by external mode.

Schools within the faculty

The faculty comprises the following six schools, each of which is responsible for carrying out teaching and research activities within the areas of expertise of their academic staff:

  • Applied Sciences and Engineering (Gippsland)
  • Biological Sciences (Clayton)
  • Chemistry (Clayton)
  • Geosciences (Clayton)
  • Mathematical Sciences (Clayton)
  • Physics (Clayton)

The School of Applied Sciences and Engineering is a multidisciplinary school that operates on the Gippsland campus. The school offers a range of studies and conducts research in applied biology, applied chemistry, human physiology, mathematics and modelling (including applied statistics), and resource and environmental management.

Science disciplines offered by departments and schools in other faculties

Departments and schools in the following faculties also offer science disciplines:

  • Faculty of Arts - School of Geography and Environmental Science
  • Faculty of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Faculty of Information Technology - Clayton School of Information Technology (Clayton) and Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology (Gippsland)
  • Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences - Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Microbiology; Immunology; Pharmacology; Physiology; and the School of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine

Collaborative research is also undertaken with schools and departments from other faculties.

Academic and administration affairs of the faculty

The academic operations of the faculty are governed by the faculty board, which is chaired by the dean of the faculty. The dean exercises a general superintendence over the academic and administrative affairs of the faculty and is assisted by four associate deans (External, Graduate Matters, Research, and Teaching). The heads of schools are ex-officio members of the board, and there are elected members representing various groups of staff within the schools of the faculty. Membership of the faculty board includes representatives of undergraduate, graduate, and off-campus learning students, who may be contacted through the appropriate campus candidate organisation. The board also comprises representatives from other faculties and of extra-faculty departments/schools who teach science students. The board seeks advice from a number of standing committees, such as the faculty’s Education Committee, Research Committee, and the Research Degrees Committee.

The faculty academic manager, with the assistance of other managers and administrative officers, is responsible for the activities of the Faculty of Science office and works closely with the dean in the provision of administrative support to the faculty.

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