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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Certificate in Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Medicine

Course code: 3875 + Course abbreviation: GradCertDisasterMed + Total credit points required: 24 + 1 semester full-time, 2 semesters part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Peninsula)

Course description

This program is aimed at the needs of paramedics, doctors employed by ambulance services in Australia, doctors with sessional appointments in the State Disaster Plan in Australian states, doctors who are volunteers in other community-based emergency health agencies, general practitioners, nurses and other health care professionals who may be involved in emergency preparedness and disaster medicine at a community level.

The course considers the perspectives of international disaster epidemiology, the disaster cycle, and contemporary models of emergency preparedness and disaster medicine. National and international organisations, academic resources, multidisciplinary approaches and the social and political concepts of disasters and disaster medicine are introduced. The principles of risk assessment and vulnerability reduction, emergency management and the management of multiple casualties will be applied to a sample of recent major events in Australia, Oceania and/or Asia to develop the principles of emergency preparedness and capacity building. Table-top exercises will be used to demonstrate and apply the principles of major incident management. The general principles of recovery following major events will be outlined using a sample of recent major events and the ongoing community health support need will be explored.

Entry requirements

Applicants will have an undergraduate degree in an appropriate discipline and relevant professional experience. If applicants do not have an undergraduate degree, their application will be considered but they will need to demonstrate extensive relevant experience and the ability to undertake study at graduate certificate level.

Course structure

The course consists of four core units:

  • MDM4010 Introduction to the principles of emergency preparedness and disaster medicine
  • MDM4020 Emergency preparedness
  • MDM4030 Major incident management
  • MDM4040 Disaster recovery


Assessment consists of competency-based assessment tasks, written assignments, literature review.

Contact details


Postgraduate Course Administrator

Centre for Ambulance and Paramedic Studies
Monash University
Peninsula campus
McMahons Road
Frankston, Victoria 3199

Telephone: +61 3 9904 4177



Course coordinator

Ms Andrea Wyatt

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