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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Principal research areas

The following is a brief summary of the research programs currently offered through the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

Ambulance and paramedic studies

Key words: emergency medical services; pre-hospital emergency medical care; paramedic education.

Contact: Associate Professor Frank Archer

Telephone: +61 3 9904 4330




Key words: pain medicine; basic scientific and clinical studies of the physiology and pharmacology of pain, with particular emphasis on mechanisms at the level of the spinal chord.

Contact: Professor Colin Goodchild

Telephone: +61 3 9594 5290



Anatomy and cell biology

Key words: cardiovascular cell biology; kidney development and kidney disease; renal scarring; using stem cells to repair and make kidneys; proteomics; gene arrays; confocal microscopy; neuroscience; neurodegeneration; regeneration of motor neurones; neuroproteomics; spinal cord injury; male reproductive biology; testicular function; testis development; neural stem cells; remyelination; connective tissue biology; repair of ligaments; bone and cartilage biology; stereology; transgenic mice/molecular biology; cell biology; blood disorders; hypertension and thalassaemia.

Contact: Professor John Bertram

Telephone: +61 3 9905 2751



Biochemistry and molecular biology

Key words: signal transduction in the regulation of secretion; cytoskeletal rearrangements and cellular proliferation in cancer; proteases and their inhibitors and receptors in degenerative diseases; the role of protein folding and misfolding in disease; nuclear protein transport in medicine and development; bioinformatics: searching for novel protein domains in the human proteome; structural biology (crystallography) of medically important proteins; molecular analysis of the cause and expression of autoimmune diseases; peptide folding, protein engineering and drug design; diabetes and renal failure, mechanisms of proteinura in the kidney; the molecular neurobiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, molecular analysis of platelet function in thrombosis and haemostasis; the structure and function of a molecular machine: mitochondrial ATP synthase; mitochondrial turnover, vacuolar ATPase function and autophagy; fluorescent proteins with novel proteins; functional and biochemical aspects of hyaluronan with special reference to its role in disease; adrenal steroid signalling and actions in embryonic development, heart failure and obesity; mitochondria in ageing; environmental causes of type 1 diabetes; protein tyrosine phosphatases in cancer and diabetes.

Lay terms: cancer; diabetes; Alzheimer’s disease; degenerative disease and ageing; biotechnology.

Contact: Associate Professor Rod Devenish

Telephone: +61 3 9905 3782



Epidemiology and preventive medicine

Key words: all aspects of the public health research and preventive medicine, including chronic disease epidemiology (cardiovascular, respiratory and rheumatic diseases); clinical pharmacology; the clinical evaluation of drugs including physiological studies in humans, drug trials and drug safety studies; toxicology; clinical epidemiology and biostatistical methods (including diagnostic tests, clinical measurement and systematic reviews); infectious diseases neuro-epidemiology; epidemiological modelling; health services delivery; health economics and cost-effectiveness studies; health services research; environmental health, including health risk assessment: evidence-based medicine, preventive medicine and occupational health; health promotion; health policy development; quality assessment and outcomes in healthcare.

Lay terms: cardiovascular disease; heart disease; respiratory disease; drug trials; drug safety; infectious diseases; health services; occupational health.

Contact: Professor John McNeil

Telephone: +61 3 9903 0565



Forensic medicine

Key words: all aspects of the interface between law and medicine including forensic pathology, clinical forensic medicine, forensic toxicology, molecular biology and tissue banking; intravenous drug abuse, death, injury and prevention; adverse events in hospital practice; patterns of injury; sexual assault; traumatic neuropathology; ageing of injuries; traffic medicine including drugs and driving; post mortem drug redistribution; wound ballistics; SIDS; tissue banking including allograft incorporation and tissue engineering.

Lay terms: forensic pathology; forensic medicine; death; injury; SIDS.

Contact: Professor Stephen Cordner

Telephone: +61 3 9684 4301



General practice

Key words: mental health - assessment and management of depressive and anxiety disorders, internet-based mental health, primary care of mental illness; developmental disability - mental health of the disabled, sexuality, human relations, health and well-being, challenging behaviours, Down’s syndrome and rural disability care; medical education research - evaluation of medical education; health and medical services - integration of evidence-based medicine, quality improvement, informatics in primary care use of computers in primary care, workforce violence and stress; cardiovascular health and illness - prevention and treatment programs, management and hospitalisation; men’s sexual health - management of erectile disorders, hormone replacement therapy, infertility, testosterone deficiency and prostate disease; ageing; family violence; medical ethics.

Lay terms: mental illness; general practice; heart disease; men’s health; health services; medical education; disability care; ageing; family violence.

Contact: Professor Jeff Richards

Telephone: +61 3 8575 2244




Key words: tolerance and autoimmunity - autoimmune gastritis; type 1 diabetes; atherosclerosis; heart disease; immunopathogenesis; molecular mechanisms; transgenic and genetically engineered mice; stem cell engineering; bone marrow transplantation; allergy-asthma; cytokines; allergens; T-cell responses; thymus biology-thymus stem cells; thymus regeneration; thymus epithelial cells; surgical and chemical castration; monoclonal antibodies; immunohistology of the thymus; transplantation tolerance; organ transplantation; organ regeneration; cell biology - cell immortalisation; cell senescence; telomeres; cell division; cancer; secretory pathway and the Golgi.

Lay terms: autoimmunity; allergy; immunity.

Contact: Professor Ban-Hock Toh

Telephone: +61 3 9903 0713



Medical imaging and radiation sciences

Key words: medical ultrasound, sonography, vascular imaging, radiobiology and radiation therapy.

Lay terms: ultrasound.

Contact: Dr Marilyn Baird

Telephone: +61 3 9905 1270




The Alfred Hospital

Key words: organ transplantation; renal disease; respiratory disease; clinical pharmacology; infectious diseases; oncology; rheumatology; dermatology and palliative care.

Contact: Professor Napier Thompson (The Alfred Hospital)

Telephone: +61 3 9903 0640




Contact: Dr Robert Medcalf (Australian Centre for Blood Diseases)

Telephone: +61 3 9903 0133



Box Hill

Key words: fibrinolysis/plasminogen activator laboratory; serpins biology group; the dynamic cytoskeleton; the blood platelet.

Contact: Professor Hatem Salem (Box Hill Hospital)

Telephone: +61 3 9895 0301



Monash Medical Centre

Key words: apoptosis; asthma and airways disease; anticoagulants; bioethics, bowel cancer; liver disease; cardiovascular disease, especially atherosclerotic and cardiac failure and hypertension; clinical and public health nutrition; cytotoxic lymphocytes; diabetes; gene regulation; haemostasis; oncology; inflammatory disease (joints, skin and kidneys); infectious diseases; intensive care medicine; intracellular signalling; movement disorders; osteoporosis; osteoarthritis; peptic ulcer; proteases and protease inhibitors; platelet biology; renal disease; rheumatology, serine proteinase inhibitors; skin cancer; psoriasis; clinical pharmacology; gerontology; palliative care; neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease; neuro-otology; clinical and basic research in cardiology, vascular and respiratory areas including vascular biology, physiology and pharmacology of the peripheral and coronary vasculature; metabolic vasodilation; vascular effects of hormone replacement, vitamin therapy, hypercholesterolaemia; pathophysiology of left atrial thrombus; mitral stenosis; atrial fibrillation; pulmonary circulation; pulmonary hypertension; cardiac function, coagulation activity; acute coronary syndromes; inotropic agents; asthma; bronchiectasis; sleep disorders; thrombosis; platelets; Von Willebrand factor; fibrinogen; intracellular signalling; glycoprotein allbb3;, RhoA, actin cytoskeleton, haemopoiesis; serpins; yeast-2-hybrid; yeast-3-hybrid fibrinolysis; tissue plasminogen activator; urokinase plasminogen activator; plasminogen activator inhibitor-2; neurodegeneration; tumour metastasis; gene regulation; RNA processing; mRNA stability; Prothrombin G20210A polymorphism.

Lay terms: asthma; respiratory disease; cancer; heart disease; heart attack; high blood pressure; nutrition; diabetes; infectious diseases; intensive care; osteoporosis; ulcer; liver disease; kidney disease; rheumatism; arthritis; psoriasis; aged care; blood clotting; sleep disorders.

Contact: Professor Stephen Holdsworth (Monash Medical Centre)

Telephone: +61 3 9594 5525




Key words: immunity; pathogenesis; gene probes; transposons; gonococci; meningococci; repetitive DNA; gonorrhoea; pili; regulon; environmental microbiology; molecular microbiology; dengue; coronavirus; measles virus; fungal viruses; molecular virology; respiratory syncytial virus; rubella virus; clostridial genetics; transposable genetic elements; two-component signal transduction; footrot; antibiotic resistance; calicivirus; viral gastroenteritis; Plasmodium falciparum; malaria; vaccines; DNA vaccination; transgenic plants as vaccines; malaria antigens; biorheology of malaria infected red blood cells; seroepidemiology of malaria infection; tuberculosis; genome databases; cell wall synthetic pathways; bioinformatics; protein-protein infections in malaria-infected cells; signal transduction regulation; mycoviruses; leptospirosis; pasteurella pathogenesis and vaccines; shigella virulence; bacillary dysentery; Buruli ulcer; Bairnsdale ulcer, diarheagenic E. coli; bacterial adhesions.

Contact: Professor Ben Adler

Telephone: +61 3 9905 4815



Nursing and midwifery

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Key words: acute clinical nursing; health services operations management; mental health nursing; midwifery; nursing education; palliative care; rural nursing and rural health.

Contact: Associate Professor Tony Barnett

Telephone: +61 3 9902 6636



Centre for Health Services Operation Management

Key words: integration of multidisciplinary work systems and patient flow processes; systems analysis and systems optimisation; communications (eg internet-based, wireless technologies); use of IT tools for clinical/financial decision support.

Contact: Dr Liza Heslop

Telephone: +61 3 9904 4639



Obstetrics and gynaecology

Key words: gynaecology and infertility; maternal-foetal medicine; reproductive and endothelial cell biology; reproductive endocrinology; reproductive hormones; menstruation; implantation; infertility; labour; trophoblast function; regulation of placental blood flow; preterm labour; low birth weight; prenatal diagnosis; models of antenatal care; endometriosis; preeclampsia; ovarian cancer; molecular obstetrics; molecular gynaecology; virtual reality, computerised surgery; angiogenesis (control of blood vessel growth); and factors in fibroid growth and development, investigating why these common benign tumours develop and grow.

Lay terms: obstetrics; gynaecology; reproduction; fertility; infertility; labour; prenatal and antenatal care; ovarian cancer.

Contact: Professor David Healey

Telephone: +61 3 9594 5488




Key words: neonatal research; paediatric sleep studies; sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); infant home monitoring; developmental disabilities; paediatric growth and endocrinology genetics; foetal and neonatal physiology; foetal surgery; adaption at birth; lung growth and development; neonatal neurological outcomes; growth disorders; childhood diabetes and endocrinology; pathogenesis of viral infections; antiviral agents (clinical trials); developmental disability; adolescent medicine; and clinical and interventional cardiology.

Lay terms: foetal growth; infant development; cot death (SIDS); sleep studies; diabetes.

Contact: Dr Rosemary Horne

Telephone: +61 3 9594 4504




Key words: neuropharmacology; molecular pharmacology; cardiovascular pharmacology; reproductive and genitourinary pharmacology; venoms and toxins; use of novel microscopic imaging techniques for early diagnosis; anti-obesity drugs; autacoids; diabetes; drug development; drug receptor mechanisms; hypertension; neurotransmitters; endocrine pharmacology; peptides; confocal microscopy; pharmacology of potassium channels.

Lay terms: venoms and toxins; diabetes; obesity; drugs; hypertension; high blood pressure.

Contact: Dr Wayne Hodgson

Telephone: +61 3 9905 4861




Key words: cardiovascular physiology; cell and molecular physiology; endocrinology; stress physiology; reproductive biology; fetal and neonatal physiology; autonomic neurobiology; muscle and exercise physiology; neuroscience; vision; hearing; brain; renal physiology.

Lay terms: biological systems; circulatory system; nervous system; cell development and function; muscle development; hearing; vision; memory; movement; stress; reproduction; glands; hormones; SIDS.

Contact: Professor Graeme Jenkins

Telephone: +61 3 9271 1103



Psychological medicine

Key words: addiction psychiatry; Alzheimer’s disease; anxiety disorders; autism; behavioural neurobiology; bipolar disorder; brain imaging; brain plasticity; community, child and adolescent psychiatry; cortical inhibition; depression; developmental delay; developmental forensic; developmental psychology and psychiatry; electrophysiology; epidemiology; general practice psychiatry; health economics; health outcomes; health psychology; intellectual disability; medical education; old age psychiatry; pervasive developmental disorders; psychiatric aspects of general medicine; psychoanalytic studies; psychogeriatrics; psychoneuroendocrinology; psychopharmacology; psychotic illnesses; rural mental health; schizophrenia; service evaluation research; transcranial magnetic stimulation; treatment resistance; women’s mental health.

Lay terms: Alzheimer’s disease; depression; mental health; psychiatry; psychology; schizophrenia.

Contact: Professor Bruce Tonge

Telephone: +61 3 9594 1354




Key words: Alzheimer’s disease; amyloid beta; analysis of human skill; animal and human Interaction; animal welfare; animal-assisted therapy; astrocytes; attachment theory; attention; attentional and movement disorders; attitude assessment; auditory attentional processes; auditory cortex organization; behavioural medicine; behavioural neuroscience; biochemistry of memory; brain iron; cancer treatment; cerebral cortex; change management; chronobiology; circadian rhythms; clinical neuropsychology; clinical psychology; cognitive and motor functions; cognitive neuroscience; comparative neuroscience; conceptual change theory; cortical plasticity; counselling psychology; cross-cultural psychology; developmental psychopathology; educational psychology; educational technologies; electrophysiology; emotional development; engineering psychology; environmental psychology; epidemiology; experimental neuropsychology; families and parenting; fatigue; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI); glia-neuronal interactions; health care management; health psychology and health behaviours; Huntington’s disease; information processing; innovation and creativity; leadership development; leadership succession; leadership; learning; medical education; medical simulation; memory; mental health; movement disorders; music psychology; nature and psychological well-being; neuroanatomy; neurobiology; neurodegenerative disorders; neurodevelopmental disorders; neuroethology; neurophysiology; neuropsychology; nitric oxide; normal aging; organisational psychology; organisational change; oxidative stress; Parkinson’s disease; perceptual learning; personality; play and aggression in children; primate vocal communication; professional identity; performance in the workplace; psychobiology of emotion; psycholinguistics; psychological assessment; psychology of aging; psychology of groups and teams; psychometrics; psycho-oncology; quality of life; road user behaviour; sensory processes and perception; sleep disorders; sleep; sound localisation; stress management; trauma brain injury; values, culture and climate; vocational psychology; voice recognition.

Lay terms: ADHD; adult health; aggression; aging; Alzheimer’s disease; animals and humans; attention; behaviour; brain mapping; brain research; child health; children’s understanding of health and illness; computers in education; counselling; emotional development; families and parenting; health promotion; human evolution; Huntington’s disease; learning; education; memory; movement disorders; obesity; Parkinson’s disease; personality; play; relationships; therapy; voice communication.

Contact: Associate Professor Stephen Robinson

Telephone: +61 3 9905 3903



Rural health

Key words: rural mental health and illness services; health sociology, history of medicine, drug and alcohol issues; social and cultural determinants of health; health status of, and health services provision for, immigrants, disadvantaged, and rural Australians; international health, industrial injury victims, complementary therapies, political economy of health, illness and health care, overseas Korean communities; current research focuses on health care planning and policies in rural and remote Australia, rural health workforce recruitment and retention; sustainable service delivery models, rural community development; rural and farm injuries; chronic illness; disability carers; health services models; work of voluntary organisations; qualitative research issues, and health policy; psychological interventions for depression and anxiety; cognitive functions in schizophrenia and alcohol and drug abuse; rehabilitation in schizophrenia; dual diagnosis; multidisciplinary team work with a focus on speech pathology; community based rehabilitation for rural and remote communities; cross-cultural language and cognitive assessment; early child development in disadvantaged communities; community based education for health professionals; paediatrics and child health; community paediatrics in developing countries with a special emphasis on vaccine preventable diseases, diarrhoeal disease, acute respiratory infections and their impact on infant and child mortality; education and curriculum development with a special emphasis on the design and evaluation of community-based medical education programmes, rural health service delivery; female rural doctors; women in medicine; rural specialist workforce; management of chronic disease in rural areas; rural health systems; rural cancer services; rural hospital structures, and internal medicine in rural areas; rehabilitation psychology; occupational rehabilitation; rural psychology; psychosocial influences on health and health outcomes; rural health consumers services quality issues; equity of access in health services; social determinants of indigenous health; indigenous women and children; reconciliation; health promotion and education; international indigenous health and diabetes; critical and acute care; infection control; evidence-based practice; nursing and allied health research.

Lay terms: medicine and health care in rural/urban Australia.

Contact: Professor John Humphreys

Telephone: +61 3 5444 6455



Social work

Key words: casework; family violence; child abuse; child protection; community health; community services; management of health and welfare services; corrections; ethnic welfare; family law; family and children’s courts; family interventions; family violence; globalisation; management; policy development; poverty; residential care; women and social work; the welfare lobby; drug law reform; child abuse and the media; aged care.

Lay terms: welfare; community health; child abuse; violence; poverty.

Contact: Dr Rosemary Sheehan

Telephone: +61 3 9903 1134




The Alfred Hospital

Key words: molecular biology laboratory; cell culture laboratory; tissue culture laboratory; colorectal cancer; colon cancer; chemoprevention of colorectal cancer; evaluation of laparoscopic procedures; obesity; hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery; diseases of the liver and bile ducts; gastric mucosal protection.

Contact: Professor Paul O’Brien (Alfred Hospital)

Telephone: +61 3 9903 0608



Cabrini Hospital

Key words: investigation of bowel disorders; colorectal cancer; colon cancer; chemoprevention of colorectal cancer; evaluation of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal surgery; genetic predisposition of colorectal cancer; genetic mutations associated with colorectal cancer; assessment of diagnostic techniques for the early detection of colon cancer; clinical applications of anorectal physiology studies; applications of new clinical treatments for colorectal cancer; determining incidence between colorectal and other cancers.

Contact: Professor Adrian Polglase (Cabrini Hospital)

Telephone: +61 3 9508 1651



Monash Medical Centre

Key words: retinal research; vascular surgery; experimental colorectal cancer; liver metastases; the vascular response to inflammation; ulcer healing; surgical education; laparoscopic surgery; cultured epithelial grafts; organ transplantation; microsurgery; gastrointestinal motility; endovascular stents and grafts.

Contact: Professor Julian Smith (Monash Medical Centre)

Telephone: +61 3 9594 5499



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