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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate programs

Taxonomy of graduate courses

The faculty offers a wide range of graduate programs, from graduate certificates to higher degrees in business systems, computing, computer science, digital communications, information management and systems, multimedia computing, information technology and network computing. A certificate entails one semester of full-time study, a diploma consists of two semesters of full-time study, and a masters includes three or four semesters of full-time study. Certificates or diplomas may be offered at graduate or postgraduate level. Graduate awards require a degree, but not generally in IT. Postgraduate-level awards require an IT degree. These programs differ in their objectives, prerequisites and content. They can be regarded as falling into one of two groups - programs that extend knowledge in a particular discipline area and programs that have a professional orientation, providing cross-disciplinary access and training to develop professional expertise. Students who do not hold an Australian equivalent degree but have extensive work experience should consider the executive or professional certificate, which can be used as pathways to graduate/postgraduate study.

Courses that extend knowledge

These courses build on a degree that is equivalent to an Australian bachelors degree with a major in the particular discipline or a fourth-year level course in the same discipline (honours, graduate diploma or masters preliminary). The focus is on extending the knowledge of the discipline methodology and its application.

Postgraduate certificates
  • Clayton - Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Communications
Postgraduate diplomas
  • Clayton - Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Communications
  • Caulfield - Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology
  • Gippsland (via off-campus learning) -- Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology
Masters degrees
  • Caulfield - Master of Information Technology (Research), Master of Information Management and Systems (Research), Master of Information Technology (Minor Thesis), Master of Information Technology (Coursework), Master of Information Systems, Master of Multimedia Computing, Master of Network Computing, Master of Network Computing (Minor Thesis), Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Management and Systems
  • Clayton - Master of Business Systems (Research), Master of Computer Science, Master of Information Technology (Research), Master of Digital Communications
  • Gippsland - Master of Information Technology (Research), Master of Information Technology (Minor Thesis)
  • Gippsland (via off-campus learning) -- Master of Information Technology (Research), Master of Information Technology, Master of Information Technology (Minor Thesis)
  • Peninsula - Master of Information Technology (Research)
  • Berwick - Master of Information Technology (Research)
  • Malaysia - Master of Information Technology (Minor Thesis)
Doctor of Philosophy

A course with a prerequisite of an honours degree at first or upper second class honours level, a masters preliminary qualification at the same level or a masters degree by research in the discipline or equivalent.

  • Clayton, Caulfield, Gippsland, Berwick, Peninsula and Malaysia - PhD
Doctorate in Information Technology (DIT)*

The DIT is a research higher degree encompassing both coursework and doctoral-level research which involves the transformation of professional practice to knowledge that makes a significant contribution.

  • Caulfield, Clayton, Berwick and Peninsula - DIT

    * This course has been approved with proposed intake to be confirmed for 2006.

Professionally-oriented and cross-disciplinary courses that develop information technology knowledge

These courses provide an opportunity for people with a qualification in another discipline area to gain a first qualification in IT, and to develop expertise in computing and computer science, information management, business and information systems, network computing and multimedia computing. They require a degree that is equivalent to an Australian bachelors degree in any discipline.

Graduate certificates
  • Caulfield - Graduate Certificate in Information Management and Systems
  • Gippsland (via off-campus learning) -- Graduate Certificate in Computing, Graduate Certificate in Network Computing
Graduate diplomas
  • Clayton - Graduate Diploma in Business Systems, Graduate Diploma in Computer Science
  • Caulfield - Graduate Diploma in Computing, Graduate Diploma in Information Management and Systems
  • Gippsland (via off-campus learning) -- Graduate Diploma in Computing
  • Peninsula - Graduate Diploma in Network Computing
Masters degrees
  • Caulfield - Master of Information Management and Systems by coursework, Master of Information Management and Systems Professional, Master of Applied Information Technology, and the Master of Multimedia by coursework taught in collaboration with the Faculty of Art and Design
  • Clayton - Master of Business Systems (Coursework), Master of Business Systems (Projects), Master of Business Systems Professional
  • Gippsland (via off-campus learning) -- Master of Business Systems, Master of Applied Information Technology
  • Gippsland - Master of Applied Information Technology
Masters double degrees
  • Master of Business Administration/Master of Business Systems (MBA - Caulfield, MBusSys - Clayton)
  • Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Management and Systems (Caulfield)

Courses for applicants with extensive work experience and no undergraduate degree

  • Professional Certificate in Information Technology - four years experience at or above project, management or technical level
  • Executive Certificate in Information Technology - six years experience at either an executive, management or senior technical level

Masters and PhD by research

Students enrolled in a masters degree by research or PhD undertake research into a topic of interest within a school of the faculty, under the supervision of two academic staff members. The thesis or research component comprises more than 66% of the course and must show evidence of wide reading.

Students enrolled in a masters degree by major thesis submit a major thesis which shows independence of thought and demonstrates the student’s ability to carry out research in the field concerned.

Students enrolled in a PhD submit a thesis which makes a significant contribution to knowledge and understanding in the field of study.

A wide range of research interests are pursued within the schools of the faculty. For information about research interests in a specific discipline, refer to the ‘School information’ section or contact the faculty office.


Students undertaking a thesis pursue a course of research in a school of the faculty under the main supervision of a member of academic staff from that school. The school must appoint both a main supervisor and an associate supervisor. An associate supervisor need not be a full-time member of staff, but should be recognised in the field of research.

Attendance requirements

While specific requirements may vary among the different courses, graduate research students are expected to meet with their supervisor and attend the university on a regular basis, and to participate in seminar and other programs specified by the school.

The rules applying to attendance are laid out in the PhD regulations and in the faculty’s information on research courses. However, full-time PhD candidates should note that as well as meeting the attendance requirements laid down in chapter three of the Monash University Doctoral Handbook, the faculty requires PhD candidates to pursue their research on-campus unless they negotiate other arrangements with their supervisor. In the case of overseas study, permission must also be obtained from the PhD and Scholarships Committee.

Part-time PhD candidates are also required to meet the on-campus residency requirements of the university.

For more detailed information about major and minor theses, students should contact the faculty office.

Applying for a course

Applications from domestic students for all on-campus graduate courses should be made directly to the faculty admissions office at the Caulfield campus. Applications to study by off-campus learning should be sent to the Gippsland faculty office, except for applications for the Masters of Information Management and Systems or the Graduate Diploma in Information Management and Systems off-campus learning units, which should be made directly to the faculty admissions office. International students must apply through International Admissions, Monash University. Applicants who seek to study at the Monash University Malaysia campus should apply to Admissions and Records, Monash University Malaysia, No 2 Jalan Kolej, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, 46150 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

Applications for first-round offers for graduate diplomas, graduate certificates and coursework masters degrees close in November for entry in March of the following year and mid-June for entry in July. Applications for all off-campus learning courses are made directly to the faculty administration office at Gippsland by mid-October (telephone +61 3 9902 6835). Further information and off-campus application forms are available from the inquiry centre on telephone 1800 671 845.

Research applications

Applications for local masters degrees by research and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) may be made to Faculty Research Services at any time. International applicants for masters degrees by research and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) should apply via International Admissions, Monash University. Research scholarship applications should be submitted by the end of October of the preceding year to the Monash Research Graduate School, Clayton campus. Prospective applicants should apply via the school in which they are intending to commence their candidature.

International students

International students whose academic standard is at least equivalent to the minimum required of Australian students can apply for a graduate course on a full-fee basis. Full-fee-paying international coursework students should apply directly to the university. Applications for direct entry are available from International Admissions, Monash University, Monash agents overseas or the faculty offices. It is possible to apply for mid-year admission to all of the faculty’s graduate courses. For more information, ask at the faculty office or contact a Monash agent overseas.

Under the terms of a student visa, on-campus international students are required to study full-time.

English language requirements for all students

All students must provide evidence of English proficiency by fulfilling one of the following requirements:

  • English is the first language.
  • Successful completion in English of a course of tertiary studies of at least two years duration.
  • Academic IELTS score of 6.5 -- a score of at least 6.0 is required for each individual band.
  • TOEFL minimum score of 577 with a TWE score of 5.
  • Computer-based TOEFL minimum score of 233 with an essay rating (ER) score of 5.
  • Successful completion of the English Language Bridging Program at the Monash University English Language Centre.

Monash University's English language requirements are currently under review. Students are advised to consult the university's admissions website for any amendments.

Course fees for international students

For further information on course fees for postgraduate international students, consult the Monash University Postgraduate International Student Course Guide for 2006 and the website at

Fees for Australian residents for postgraduate courses

The faculty charges postgraduate course fees for all postgraduate diploma courses and masters degrees by coursework. Fees are payable in advance each semester according to the number of enrolled units. For current fee information, refer to the faculty website at

Students may be eligible for a government-funded loan facility (FEE-HELP). For more information, contact the Student Services Centre on each campus, or visit

A student will receive a full refund of the semester’s course fees if the student discontinues the course and lodges the appropriate form to the faculty on or before the semester census date. No refund will be given for discontinuation after the semester census date.

Students who are undertaking masters degrees by research or the PhD and who hold permanent residency in Australia may be eligible for a government-funded Research Training Scheme (RTS) place. However, full-time candidates in receipt of a Monash Graduate Scholarship or Australian Postgraduate Award are granted an RTS place.

Part-time, off-shore and off-campus learning

Part-time students

Part-time students are expected to proceed through their course at half the rate of full-time students. Part-time evening classes are available on the Caulfield campus. At the Clayton and Peninsula campuses, classes are available only during the day. However, classes for the Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Communications and the Masters in Digital Communications are held in the early evening at the Clayton campus.

At Caulfield, the part-time evening classes normally commence at 4 pm or 6 pm.

Off-shore students

The faculty has many students based in Singapore and Hong Kong who are completing their degrees through partner supported off-campus learning offered in collaboration with partner organisations. Off-shore students are subject to the same university, faculty and course regulations as students based in Australia.

Off-campus students

All courses offered by the Gippsland School of Information Technology are available to students for part-time study by off-campus learning. These courses are designed so that it is possible to complete all requirements without any on-campus attendance. Off-campus PhD candidates are required to meet the on-campus residency requirements of the university. Some units offered by the Caulfield School of Information Technology are also available by off-campus learning (see the entry for the Master of Information Management and Systems and Master of Information Management and Systems Professional).

All off-campus students in computing courses must have an IBM-compatible personal computer with a printer and a modem, in order to complete and electronically submit assignment work, and to communicate with lecturers and other students.

Non-award studies

The Faculty of Information Technology is offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate units for non-award study for 2006. These units offer practical experience in computing areas in levels for students acquiring new or additional skills.


Normally, all units are conducted over a 13-week period (one semester). Summer-semester units are usually conducted on an intensive mode basis over a much shorter time period. Each unit may have an average of four hours contact time per week.

Day classes are available at the following campuses: Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Peninsula and Gippsland. Evening classes are only available at Caulfield. Study via off-campus learning is available from the Gippsland campus. Some units at the Clayton campus are available in the late afternoon. Units may be taken as either assessable, ie complete assignments and exams etc, or non-assessable where no formal work requirements are done. Students choosing this non-assessable enrolment form of study are not able to obtain credit towards awards of the faculty.


Details of non-award unit fees may be found on the faculty’s website at

For all students, a compulsory amenities fee is also payable upon enrolment. The fee will depend on the level of enrolment. Payment of the amenities fee entitles the student to receive a student identification card and make full use of the extensive range of campus-based student support services and university facilities, and services such as the library and counselling support.

Unit admission requirements

Applicants would normally have completed the required prerequisite attached to the unit.


All applications are to be made directly to the faculty offices on the campus where the unit will be held. Additional information and application forms are available at the faculty offices.

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