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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Doctor of Philosophy

Course code: 0079 + Course abbreviation: PhD + 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton; Gippsland; Peninsula)
External (Clayton; Gippsland; Peninsula)

Course description

The PhD program in the Faculty of Education may be undertaken in the principal areas of research offered by the faculty. These include early childhood, primary and secondary education; inclusive/special and gifted education; information and communication technology in education; international education; leadership and policy development; literacy studies; mathematics and science education; music education; school and organisational leadership; work and learning studies; educational and developmental psychology; counselling, mentoring and coaching; professional development studies; teaching English as a foreign or second language; and sport and outdoor recreation.

The thesis should offer a significant contribution to knowledge in the discipline concerned and demonstrate the student’s capacity to carry out independent research.

Entry requirements

Admission to the Doctor of Philosophy requires:

  • a degree with honours (first or upper second) or a masters degree in education or educational studies (including a research component) from an Australian university or any recognised overseas university deemed equivalent by the Faculty of Education, and
  • a minimum of three years of professional experience in an educational institution or as a member of an occupation closely related to education or any occupation judged appropriate by the Faculty of Education, and
  • demonstrated ability to carry out independent research.

Applications for admission to PhD candidature may be lodged at any time of the year.

External candidature

Candidature by external mode is now available and can be on a full-time or part-time basis. Prospective candidates applying for this mode must be able to ensure regular interactive communication with their supervisor and be able to undertake the equivalent of 15 days of full-time study within the university each year although this requirement may be relaxed in later years depending on the candidate's progress.

Research areas

Areas of major research interest in the faculty are as follows:

Clayton campus

  • Adult learning and development
  • Learning and instruction
  • Psychological assessment and remedial strategies
  • Developmental psychology
  • Economics and education and training
  • Sociology of education
  • Educational policy and management
  • International education
  • Work learning and leadership studies
  • Philosophical studies
  • Historical studies
  • English language
  • Literacy and literature
  • Music
  • Second language education
  • Curriculum and teaching
  • Measurement and evaluation in education
  • Science and environmental education
  • Mathematics and technology education
  • Computing and educational technology

Gippsland campus

  • Transition from primary to secondary schooling
  • Health and education issues
  • Literacy; writing process and genres; evaluation of reading recovery
  • Information technology
  • Gender issues
  • History of education
  • Learner-managed learning capability
  • Educational psychology areas
  • Teaching philosophy in schools
  • Australian indigenous studies
  • Gifted and talented education
  • Research on teaching and teacher education
  • School-based teacher education
  • Supervision of the fieldwork
  • Convergence of education and technology; and industry--education partnerships

Peninsula campus

Curriculum studies

  • Art education
  • Social studies
  • Cultural studies
  • Families and partnerships
  • Information technology/computer studies
  • Literacy studies
  • Mathematical studies
  • Music education
  • Early childhood studies
  • Environmental studies

Educational studies

  • Schools and community
  • Teacher--pupil interaction
  • Educational management
  • History of education
  • School development
  • School effectiveness
  • School improvement
  • Educational leadership

Contact details

Inquiries: telephone +61 3 9905 2821 or +61 3 9905 2777

Course coordinator

Associate Professor Ilana Snyder (Clayton)

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