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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Principal areas of research

Department of Accounting and Finance

Accounting information systems; Asian capital markets; banking; corporate finance; corporate governance; derivative securities; family business; financial accounting; financial institutions and markets; financial reporting and auditing; institutional treasury operations; investment management; management accounting; regulatory policy and risk management.

Department of Business Law and Taxation

Asian business law; banking law; business law; capital gains tax; company law; consumer law; contract law; goods and services tax; finance law; income tax; intellectual property law; marketing law; media law; securities law; stock exchange law; superannuation; and taxation law.

Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics

Applied econometrics; Bayesian econometrics; business statistics; constrained statistical inference, financial econometrics; forecasting and modelling; hypothesis testing; microeconometrics; macroeconometrics; theoretical econometrics; and time series analysis.

Department of Economics

Asian business and economic development; South Asian studies; development economics; economic history, including Australian urban history; environmental economics; foreign direct investment; health economics and health program evaluation; international trade and capital movements; labour economics; macroeconomic theory and application; mesoeconomics; microeconomic theory and application; new classical economics; economics of institutions, organisations and public choice; public policy; economics of transport and tourism; welfare economics; applied economic research and economic modelling; and financing and organisation of health systems, health service evaluation, priority setting and allocative efficiency, and outcome measurement.

Department of Management

General management; governance; public sector management; parliamentary studies; business management; family and small business management; call centre management; services management; strategic management (change management, entrepreneurship, innovation); tourism management; operations management (operations and technology management, quality management); international business; international management; global mobility; organisational behaviour (career advancement, knowledge management, leadership); human resource management (training, international HR); work--life balance; leadership; workplace surveillance; industrial relations (including employee relations, trade unions, enterprise bargaining); e-business; agribusiness; supply chain management; total quality management and processes.

Department of Marketing

Marketing - brand positioning; business marketing and technology; consumer behaviour; electronic marketing; international marketing; marketing theory and models; market communications; non-profit and social marketing; product development; relationship marketing; retailing; services marketing; strategies and policies in marketing; supply chain management; interactive marketing; and sport marketing.

Research centres and units

  • Asian Business and Economics Research Unit
  • Australian Banking Research Unit
  • Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work
  • Australian Supply Chain Management Research Unit
  • Banking and Finance Unit (Malaysia campus)
  • Business and Economic Forecasting Unit
  • Centre for Health Economics
  • Centre for Increasing Returns and Economic Organisation
  • Centre for Modelling of Stochastic Systems
  • Centre for the Economics of Education and Training
  • Centre of Policy Studies
  • Consumers and Retail Research Unit
  • Economic and Business Modelling Unit (Malaysia campus)
  • Family and Small Business Research Unit
  • Malaysian Business Unit (Malaysia campus)
  • Monash Governance Research Unit
  • Monash Tourism Research Unit
  • Taxation Law and Policy Research Institute
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