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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate and faculty certificates

Certificate programs are specifically designed to cater for students who wish to undertake a short postgraduate course, either to enhance vocational skills or prepare for further study. These programs can be completed in six months of full-time study or one year of part-time study. International students are not permitted to enrol in faculty certificate programs. Students who complete a certificate program with a grade of credit average or above may apply to transfer into a relevant graduate or postgraduate diploma and obtain a maximum of 50% credit towards the completion of that diploma. Some of the graduate and postgraduate diplomas articulate with masters programs. Students who successfully complete a faculty certificate program are awarded their certificate by the faculty and do not participate in the university graduation. Refer to individual programs for details of graduate or faculty certificates, diplomas and masters degrees.

Graduate certificate programs in particular disciplines either have limited Commonwealth-supported places or full-fee places. Students may apply for FEE-HELP in the latter case. Faculty certificates offer full-fee places only, and tuition fees in these courses are unable to be deferred through the FEE-HELP scheme.

Entry requirements

Students with a bachelors degree or five years of relevant, documented, professional experience at senior level may apply. Applicants without a bachelors degree must attach the following information to their application: two references which comment on the nature and extent of their experience; a full CV; and a statement of up to 1000 words indicating the applicant’s career objectives and reasons for applying for entry.

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