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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Certificate in Publishing and Editing

Course code: 3752 + Course abbreviation: GradCertPub&Edit + Total credit points required: 24 + 0.5 years full-time, 1 year part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Melbourne city)

Course description

This course is designed to provide editorial and publication management skills to those having aspirations to become involved in scholarly, commercial, educational, academic and corporate publishing; to further their careers and attainments in publishing; or to establish their own small publishing business. The core unit PUB4002 provides an overview of the role of and the relationships between author, editor and designer in publishing. Students are taken through the processes involved in the transmission of a text from manuscript to edited form. Students may select from one of two functional units.

Entry requirements

Applicants should possess a bachelors degree or equivalent. Those without a bachelors degree may be admitted under special circumstances in accordance with the faculty’s provisions for the recognition of prior learning. The entry requirements for these candidates are a minimum of five years of relevant experience at a senior level in the publishing industry, relevant publications, or other qualifications. Such applicants must provide two references which comment upon the nature and extent of their professional experience, a detailed curriculum vitae in support of their application and a statement of not more than 1000 words in support of their application.

Course structure

Students complete one compulsory 12-point unit and one elective 12-point unit, being a total of 24 points.

Core unit

  • PUB4002 Authorship, editing and text (12 points)

Elective units

  • PUB4001 Publishing history, culture and commerce (12 points)
  • PUB4003 Publishing processes and new technology (12 points)

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr David Dunstan and Nick Walker

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