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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Certificate in Bioethics

Course code: 3761 + Course abbreviation: GradCertBioeth + Total credit points required: 24 + 0.5 years full-time, 1 year part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)
Off-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This course provides suitably qualified people with an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in bioethics. It also provides those who wish to proceed into the Graduate Diploma in Bioethics with an introduction to theoretical frameworks and current issues in bioethics.

Entry requirements

Candidates must have: (a) a degree in medicine or any other health science, in law, the biological and social sciences, or in a branch of the humanities, such as philosophy (or other degree as approved by the faculty board), requiring the equivalent of not less than three years full-time study in an approved tertiary institution; or (b) a degree in a field other than those referred to in (a), requiring the equivalent of not less than three years full-time study in an approved tertiary institution, plus relevant experience which establishes their capacity for advanced study in bioethics; or (c) qualifications and experience which in the opinion of the faculty board are a suitable preparation for the candidate's proposed field of study. All candidates applying under conditions (b) or (c) must also provide a full curriculum vitae, and a statement of up to 1000 words indicating the applicant's career objectives and reasons for applying for entry. The following principles will form the basis for decisions about admission for candidates without a suitable degree in one of the fields referred to in (a):

  • candidates must provide references from at least two suitably qualified people (one of whom should be their employer, if relevant) who can attest to their capacity to undertake tertiary studies involving a high degree of independence in learning
  • candidates will be expected to show evidence of substantial employment experience in a professional field related to bioethics, including nursing, pharmaceutical and health care management, and para-legal work dealing with health care
  • in such fields, substantial employment experience is defined as a minimum of five years professional experience or independent employment which includes both administrative and managerial duties or equivalent competencies and substantial research experience, preferably involving the production of monographs, papers, or research-based reports
  • in other fields of professional employment, evidence of advanced competency in relevant skills, including independent research and analysis, the planning and implementation of a substantial research project and advanced written and oral communication skills.

Course structure

The course requires completion of any two units (a total of 24 points), chosen from the following:


Students successfully completing a Graduate Certificate in Bioethics with average grades of credit or above are eligible to apply for entry into the Graduate Diploma in Bioethics and receive exemptions with credit for the corresponding units in the graduate diploma course.

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr Rob Sparrow

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