Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate handbook 2004: Units indexed by faculty
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Undergraduate handbook 2004

Computer science

Contacts: Dr Sid Ray (School of Computer Science and Software Engineering) and the coordinators listed below for each level

In our computerised society, no modern scientist should be without knowledge of computers. First-level computer science is a general introduction to computing and is suitable either for students whose major interest is in another science discipline, or students who wish to become computer scientists with an understanding of all the basic aspects of computing.

The sequence of both CSE1301, which covers basic programming skills, and CSE1303, which extends those programming skills, is highly recommended for all students, whether or not they intend to become computer scientists.

Units offered

Level one
Level two
Level three

Sequence requirements

Minor sequence in computer science (24 points):

Major sequence in computer science (54 points):

In addition to these requirements, students completing a major sequence in computer science are required to have completed at least 12 points of approved mathematics units at level one or equivalent.
Graduates who have completed a 54-point major sequence in computer science, which includes three computer science elective units at level three, are eligible for level-one membership of the Australian Computer Society.


Level one

Coordinator: Dr David Dowe

The level-one units serve both as a general introduction to computer science and as a prerequisite for further studies. Thus they may be taken either by students wishing to major in computer science or by students whose major interest is in some other branch of science. CSE1301 covers basic programming skills and gives an introduction to computer science. CSE1303 develops the understanding of algorithms, data structures and computer systems.

Students who are considering completing a major sequence in computer science should also take at least 12 points of approved mathematics units at level one or equivalent.

Level two

Coordinator: Dr Kevin Korb

The level-two units aim to develop a firm foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science, namely formal methods, algorithm development and software engineering. In addition, they introduce new topics to broaden the student's view of computation and its applications.

It is recommended that students who intend to complete a 54-point major sequence in computer science, or who are considering proceeding to honours in computer science, should take CSE2303 in their second year of study. Those wanting to complete a 60-point major and minor sequence in computer science should take an additional level-two computer science elective; CSE2302 is highly recommended.

Level three

Coordinator: Dr Alan Dorin

Students intending to complete a major sequence in computer science must take at least one project (CSE3301 or CSE3302) and at least 18 points of additional level-three computer science units (which may not include another project). It is recommended that CSE3305 and CSE3322 be taken. Note that students intending to undertake CSE3302 in second semester will need to complete CSE3308 in first semester.

Students intending to take a double major (72 points) of computer science, should complete a major and minor in computer science (60 points) plus either one level-two and one level-three computer science electives, or two level-three computer science electives.
Students intending to proceed to honours should complete the 54-point major sequence to ensure that they have sufficient breadth to undertake the honours coursework units offered each year. It is recommended that in addition to the core project these students take CSE3305, CSE3322 and at least three other level-three computer science electives.


Coordinator: Dr Bernd Meyer

Honours in computer science is suitable for good students who want to gain a deeper understanding of computer science and it opens many career opportunities. Students with honours are particularly sought after by employers, and can choose from more interesting research and development positions because of their extra skills and proven abilities. An honours degree also leads on to postgraduate study, which is necessary for an academic career or a career in industrial research.

To be admitted to the honours year, students require an average of a distinction or better result in CSE3301 (Project) or CSE3302 (Software engineering project) and at least three other third-level computer science units. Entry to the honours year may be subject to quota restrictions.
The honours program includes a substantial individual research project, supervised by an expert in the area, coursework units worth 24 points from honours units offered and a compulsory unit CSE417. CSE417 is intended to improve the oral and written presentation skills of students and to teach the skills required for the critical analysis of research.
The research project is designed for a problem in an area associated with a research program being carried out by a staff member. The coursework units are to be selected from the honours units and designated postgraduate units offered by the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering. One of these units can be substituted by approved third-year CSE electives, or honours or postgraduate units from other disciplines with approval from the coordinator.
Each year, 12 to 14 topic areas are offered, depending on the research interests of the staff. The following is a list of units taught in recent years: communications and research skills (compulsory), modelling, animating and rendering: advanced topics in graphics, parallel systems, advanced object-oriented idioms in C++, formal methods in software engineering, advanced programming language paradigms, persistence, optimisation and constraints, advanced network design, digital communication technologies, advanced internet protocols and applications, public telecommunications networks, network design and management, natural language processing, reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, causal reasoning, neural network fundamentals, learning and prediction, information theory, pattern recognition and image processing, advanced digital design, video coding and compression, cryptography and information security.

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